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This is indeed an interesting collection of ideas. I agree with the fact that matter is made of atoms and atoms vibrate, according to some atomic theory.I
The planet is trying to recover itself of the changes we made, but we are too many and too irresponsible for the planet care, we only want comfort and
Global warming is being caused by greenhouse gases filling the atmosphere and reflecting the heat back onto the earth. I know this is a very basic description
Global warming. The very words bring up pictures of stranded polar bears, flooding, hurricanes, drought and disease. But what is it, really? Are we really
Due to global warming, polar ice caps are melting very soon. This causes a significant rise in sea level, and this rise decreases the land available,
Since the beginning people have always believed in some sort of end for humanity. I've always felt that Global Warming is just another one of those endings.Mayans
I observe that you have very little knowledge of global warning, Their should be a strong point for this discussion to be carried on.Everyone, knows about
Mountain glaciers are melting fast. This is not overblown political puffery; this is a measurable fact that can be backed up by observed, empirical, unemotional
Global Warming has been a concern for a while now, but some were saying it's just a natural climate change.It is very possible that a warming was bound
Just a small change in our daily habits can reduce the average home's carbon footprint by 15%.That's quite a large amount if multiplied by the 150,000,000
I think it has been proven that global warming is not just another natural cycle the Earth is going through but is linked directly to the start of the
The overwhelming majority of those screaming the loudest about Global Warming, would not know nature if it bit them on the butt.People sit in their air-conditioned
I do agree that global warming has become a big problem the past years, even decades. The US government still refuses to admit to any sort of problem.I
It was a good article. I am fully agree to this. But as said earlier everything is not included in it & even can't be.There are some more things which
Going green will not save the planet.It might prolong human civilization. THE PLANET IS GOD!!!The planet will destroy us before we can destroy it. Its
You're a fucking idiot. Globle? You shit for brains libs are all alike. Get your head out of your ass and learn how to spell you fuckwit.Barry's Response
in Goa, we see a lot of pollution day by day and it needs help from people to control it. In short, we have thousands deforestation because of illegal
Continue reading "this is too much now situation is how control"
Heyyyyyy frends! See global warming is a issue that everybody knows today.So instead of saying or blaming each other we should try to find the root cause
Continue reading "Result of human deeds...."As u sow so shall u reap""
What is the effect on earth if fresh water of glaciers get mixed in with salty water of sea?Barry's Response - Imagine Earth's oceans as giant conveyor
Continue reading "what effect on earth if fresh water of glashiers mixed in salty water of sea"
There is no such thing as global warming, plain and simple. Al Gore just needed some scam to get rich from and boy did he pick a good one!Just because
Depending on our choices, scientists have predicted that the earth could eventually warm up to as little as 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit or maybe even rise to
Today, we are all facing a very big problem of global warming. We should all protect our world from the global warming.Every body should take care of the
Global warming is an alarming issue no doubt. When we exploit the environment, environment also plays with us.When the temperature rises above the normal
Who says global warming is bad to start with? If it happens, it happens. We will adapt, as will most other species. Those that can't adapt will become
Continue reading "Who says global warming is bad to start with"
All that this is, is Al Gore claiming that a process that has happened over Billions of years is a global issue.The Earth always gets hotter and colder.It
While Global Warming seems to be a popular subject, I, personally don't believe that it's a large of a deal as many people tend to make of it. For the
Continue reading "Global Warming is preventable and overblown"
................................... DIS IS LAME!!!Barry's Response - Well, have I got a load of interesting things for you, since you're looking for answers.
Continue reading "NO I DONT DATS Y I CAME TO LOOK 4 D ANSWERS DUH!!!!"
Climate Change is Inevitable and Includes Global Cooling For an intriguing account of the recent global warming alarm, there was once a great resource
Continue reading "Climate Change is Inevitable and Includes Global Cooling"
How to calibrate air quality monitors using the latest advanced analytical techniques. Learn about Least Square Regression, dynamic calibration and titration.
Continue reading "Advanced Analytical Techniques for Monitoring Air Quality"
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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.
GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text. As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.
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