What's a Solution Global Warming Activists can Accept?

Do we need one? Because of the scale of the problem and how we understand it, we want a solution global warming protesters will like.  If we don't help industry deal with the dilemma, the whole concept will be rejected because of economic infeasibility.

Global warming has been a hot topic.  We need to deal with it carefully and thoroughly.  Why?  Those of us who live in higher latitudes might find this quite appealing.  In other words, if we look no further than our own backyards.

Solution global warming:  Move north?

There are bigger problems in the world.  They concern us all.  In the long run, we're shooting ourselves in the foot by limiting their ability to trade with us and produce for us.

There have been a lot of people involved in coming up with viable solutions to global warming.  Scientists, corporate executives, government officials, and rogue activists are all involved.  They've worked together and against each other (sometimes simultaneously) to come up with an ideal solution to global warming in the past.

Consensus has its uses, but remember that it's not always true.  Factual data is the starting point of problems, so it needs to be handled fairly and objectively.

It might be better to have a lot of solutions, each addressing a different part of the problem.  The Gaia Hypothesis says that every part of the global ecosphere contributes to the balance of the earth.  Most people would agree, for instance, that preserving or restoring tropical rainforests is a good thing.  Our world ecosystem relies on these forests to stabilize itself, and their disappearance could have unexpected consequences.

Maybe Kyoto's the one.  The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an international agreement. It attempts to provide a framework by which we can:

Define climate change: - It's when the Earth's climate system changes over time, causing changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and other climate factors.  We may see rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather, changes in ecosystem dynamics and agricultural productivity, and other changes that affect human societies and natural systems.

Reduce industrial green house gas emissions: - by using solar, wind, and hydro power where practical, improve energy efficiency in daily activities, carpool, bike or walk more, drive a hybrid car, reduce landfill waste, buy products with low carbon footprints, avoid packaging when possible and incentivize GHG reduction with clean energy.  Try not to cause global warming.

Can it reduce global warming and air pollution or solve smog without hurting our economy?  Maybe...if the proposed methods of controlling mankind's impact on the atmosphere were the real answer.  It might work if all nations were on board.  Maybe not, if something else causes global warming.

A major player, Canada, dropped out halfway through the program.  Maybe they had good reasons.  Here's more about the Kyoto Protocol.

If you need a brief definition global warming is the increase in temperature that we've seen in recent decades.  According to popular future predictions, this trend may continue.

Is this real global warming evidence?   We've seen parts of the polar ice caps floating caps float away, and sea levels may flood us.  The media and the web are full of global warming statistics, images, and comics each expressing an opinion or presenting a small fact.

Here's a look at some air pollution statistics charts.  The average earth temperature has risen by as much as 1 degree Celsius (1°C) in recent global warming history and it could increase further.  Nobody knows why for sure.  A few well-documented causes include anthropogenic emissions to the atmosphere, sunspot activity, and Milankovitch cycles.  It's still unclear how big a role each will play.

The warming is the concern, and the solution global warming reduction supporters demand gives stopping the warming top priority.

There are those who say "global warming isn't a problem" and that it's just natural fluctuations the planet has seen throughout its history.  Our ancestral planet has gone through millions, if not billions, of years of changes caused by both geological and meteorological forces.

The BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation, has provided a unique perspective on the topic.   As has Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth and the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report released in February 2007.

What's the funniest (and most insightful) Solution Global Warming thought?  George Carlin - check this out.

As usual, Carlin is NSFW.

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What is Kyoto?

Short answer: A city on the map of Japan.

So what? In an effort to slow global warming, 84 countries signed an agreement to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases.

The Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol was supposed to bring emissions back to levels more typical of the early 1990s by reducing the total mass.

Then global warming protesters could accept and believe in a solution.  Over a hundred nations are now involved, but Canada, the United States, and a few others aren't.

Does it matter?  Many people say it wouldn't.

What are the greenhouse gases in question? Carbon dioxide - formula CO2, methane – CH4, nitrous oxide – N2O.  There are also less-known gases like sulphur hexafluoride and hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons.  Notably absent is water vapor in air - H2O.  It's the biggest GHG of them all.

Gases like these come from factories, cars, agriculture, and other stuff. CO2 comes from burning.  Methane is mainly produced by organic matter decomposing.  Nitrogen oxide is mostly produced by fertilizers and livestock manure.  Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are also human-made greenhouse gases with industrial origins.

Here are some more questions and answers. The Wikipedia page at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Protocol gives you a good detailed introduction to this solution global warming, targets, background and history.

See comments about The Day After Tomorrow Movie.

Global warming is one of the many air quality issues we have; here are some others.

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Kyoto and the reduction of air greenhouse gases are proposed as solutions to the global warming problem.  What has been our experience with that?

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Perhaps modelling air pollution will provide the answers to your question.

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