Air Quality Specialist Calgary

What is the kind of air quality specialist Calgary business owners like you need?  Do you need to find an air quality modelling specialist for a new environmental engineering or science project?  Perhaps a small company can handle your one or two main air quality issues?

In a small professional firm, the goal is to reach a deal that's mutually beneficial for everyone.  Consider one that's good at making compromises, considering alternative solutions, and finding creative ways to meet everyone's needs.

Having a clear understanding of each stakeholder's values, goals, and priorities, as well as laws, regulations, and industry standards, is important.  And so does keeping the long-term interests of your project and its stakeholders over short-term gains lead to the greatest ultimate success.

Air Quality Maze and Expert Consultants

Air Quality Specialist Calgary

There are lots of reasons why companies need air quality consultants.  We start with regulations:  Companies have to follow air quality regulations to protect public health and the environment. These regulations can be confusing, but air quality consultants can help companies understand them. Companies that emit air pollutants need to manage their emissions in a way that meets regulations and protects public health.  Companies can hire air quality consultants to understand the impacts of their emissions and develop strategies to reduce them.

Air quality consultants can help with the permitting process by preparing and submitting permit applications, conducting air quality studies, and helping companies comply with permit requirements.  Companies may need to conduct environmental impact assessments as part of their operations, and air quality consultants can help them assess how their operations affect air quality and to develop mitigation strategies.

Companies may need to assess the risks associated with their operations, like air pollution, and air quality consultants can help identify and quantify these risks. 

As a result, air quality consultants offer companies valuable expertise and guidance regarding a variety of air quality issues, helping them to ensure compliance with regulations, manage their emissions, and minimize the impact of their operations on the environment and the public.  If you need a group of great air dispersion modeling consultants that delivers, keep reading.

Here is a small, efficient and effective team that specializes in regulatory and compliance matters. Things such as:

  • Plant approvals,
  • Amendment applications,
  • Renewal of licence applications,
  • Code of Practice Registrations,
  • Emissions quantification and reporting
  • Compliance audits and recommendations
  • Understanding the Alberta regulatory framework,
  • Environmental impact assessment (EIA) and air quality dispersion modelling,
  • Risk assessment and modelling support,
  • Flare Permit Applications.

It is our pleasure to introduce you to the hardest-working air quality specialist Calgary has to offer...

Determine your needs and we can offer the right solution, the most cost-efficient solution. With the best air quality specialist Calgary has, it's amazing how exactly the right set of skills and experience can make a seemingly formidable project go easily.

These air quality experts combine to make a perfect fit for Alberta industries. Oil and gas, petrochemical facilities, biofuel, energy storage facilities, petrochemical plants and agriculture firms use their services on a regular basis. This firm's understanding of the provincial and federal regulations and laws enable them to provide the expert advice you need and keep you informed so that you can concentrate on your own business. This relationship could become a long term asset for your company.

What types of problems do they handle?

Here is a short list of what we can do for you:

  • Flare parameterization and dispersion modelling,
  • Compressors, boilers, dehydrators, glycol units, pits and additional burners - emissions estimates and modeling,
  • building downwash and site fence line assessments,
  • leak detection and repair, otherwise known as  LDAR,
  • Greenhouse Gas, NPRI (federal National Pollutant Release Inventory) and other emission inventories using empirical and qualified estimations,
  • Related verifications audits and emission reduction strategies,
  • Permitting,
  • Meteorological data analysis and processing,
  • Determining best locations and conditions for ambient air monitoring,
  • Odour assessments.

What types of criteria can be used? Depending on the assignment:

  • Alberta AER (formally ERCB) directives and guidelines
  • BPIP for determining downwash effects of buildings and obstructions
  • Advice from our experts in CALPUFF, ISC, RTDM and SCREEN3 software for modelling
  • Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA) Air Quality modelling guide and additional protocols,
  • Applications involving AER Directive 56
  • Comparisons with Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives, National Ambient Air Quality Objectives and similar regulations from other jurisdictions.

Please send Barry Lough at Calvin Consulting Group Ltd. a query for emissions inventory information, including AEIR, NPRI and Greenhouse gas emissions inventories, or air quality dispersion modelling.   Send me a message at this location:

Easiest way to reach Calvin Consulting

Have any comments or feedback?  Please let us know.

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Find an air quality dispersion modeler Calgary industries require.

It is one that completes the tasks required by your company, complies with regulatory requirements, and achieves the results you need.

Do you have concerns about air pollution in your area??

Perhaps modelling air pollution will provide the answers to your question.

That is what I do on a full-time basis.  Find out if it is necessary for your project.

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