bad weather

Travel advisory in effect...

Travel advisory in effect...

Hello Just a quick note to say it has been storming all day Jan 01-2010. From 08.00hrs to present 18.00hrs with 80km winds and blowing snow and zero visibility travel not recommended from Swift Current to Medicine Hat along the Trans Canada highway. I live in Maple Creek Saskatchewan.
Barb Stabbler

Barry's Response - Thank you Barb. Safety is the key thing when travelling in snowy areas.

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global warming is a hoax
by: Anonymous

This sounds like a serious case of global warming to me.

From Barry - Temperatures are rising because of global warming, which means moisture in the atmosphere is increasing and storms have more energy to form. Blizzards are getting stronger and more frequent.

Global warming can cause more intense storms, but it's not the only thing. El Nino, for example, causes the ocean to warm, resulting in more intense storms.

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big crazyy storm commin

by donut

Been There, Had Enough

Been There, Had Enough

man i seen the wheather the other day it was crazy, all the storms manit was nuts. bye!

Barry's Response - Yes DNDM, if an omega-block sets up in the west like the models predict, that front causing the crazy weather may remain in place for another week or so. Bear with it. Summer's coming.

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For a while, ya mighta been really scared, but thankfully nothing happened so good thing you stayed in the house safe. It's a good reminder to be prepared for anything.

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Red Deer Storm

Red Deer Storm

Red Deer Storm

Barry's Response - Red Deer is a city of nearly 100,000 in central Alberta, roughly midway between Calgary and Edmonton. Although not extremely common, tornadoes do occur a few times in Alberta, in July.

One hit a crowded campground near Red Deer in 2000 and killed several people. Another passed through Edmonton, the capital, in 1987 and killed 27. Canada's worst hit Regina, one province over in Saskatchewan, just a day or two before July 1929 and killed 28 people.

Thank you for the photo. Here is a bit about the weather Calgary typically experiences.

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June snow

it is snowing in Medicine Hat and I mean snowing, not flurries. It has been snowing since early morning.

We have about 1 inch on the ground and it does not look like it will stop any time soon.


Barry's Response Medicine Hat, that's in Canada, right? When doesn't it snow?

Just kidding, It snowed that same weekend here in Calgary too, but not enough to accumulate. Thanks for your complaint, Tom...that's what we Canadians like to do.

Sometimes there's a low pressure system slowly moving across the region, bringing cold air and moisture. Snow forms when cold air collides with warmer air, which is why it's been snowing out of season.

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summer snow?
by: William

hehehe. first time i've heard of snow in june. weird. i know it's far wawy, but it's pretty warm here in toronto. it's in the sasme country, and it wouldn't be weird if it snowed in vancouver and it was warm in nefoundland, but were only 2 provinces apart. still, hehehe. it's funny. summer snow. heheheee. no disrespect though.

From Barry - I guess it's just part of the weather's unpredictability. Even in summer, you never know what you're gonna get.

However, it's always a surprise when something like this happens. Canada is such a big country that different weather systems can hit different parts of the country at the same time.

Despite being close to each other (4000 km), Toronto and Vancouver have very different climates, which can lead to unexpected things like summer snow.

I don't know of either of those places, but not unheard of in various prairie and mountain settings between them.

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saskatchewan skies!

by debby richard
(outside Duff, saskatchewan)

saskatchewan skies

saskatchewan skies

I was watching the weather channel and glanced outside, and was felt like the heavens were opening up...I grabbed my camera and snapped a couple of pics then went outside and got this one...this was taken June27th in the evening, crazy hey!

Barry's Response - Nice work, Debby. Now I know how Saskatchewan got its slogan on their licence plates (Land of the living skies). Thank you!

As the sun set, were you awestruck by the sky in a moment to remember? Did you keep watching until the sun was completely set and the sky was black? I might've been fun.

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