1 feet snow... unbelievable!!!

by Melo
(country )

Just Look out in the Field

Just Look out in the Field

omg...it snowed 1 feet high, i was clearly going to die. its was horrible. i was eating my breakfast and sudenly i heard some noise. i opened my door and there i saw snow.

Barry's Response - That must have been quite an experience. Around here it comes down in flakes. We love our snow, our beautiful snow. Have a look at what these people say and their photos.

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dirty things

by joe horton
(quebec city,canada)

What's Left Behind after the Snow Melts

What's Left Behind after the Snow Melts

yo i like lots of dirty things

Barry's Response - I hope so, Joe. If you live in Quebec, you've probably seen your fair share of dirty snow on the ground. Quebec is known for its cold and snowy winters, which can often lead to dirty snow. The snow accumulates dirt, debris, and pollutants from the roads and other sources, making it difficult to keep clean.

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a beautiful day

Just like this

Just like this

light blue sky
butterfiles fling
flowers blooming

Barry's Response - Sounds like a Canadian spring day. Is this the same where you live? I also like snow in the spring, watching the snowflakes dance, and the way the world looks when it's freshly covered in white. And, especially, knowing it won't be around for too long.

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what snow?

by Weazle
(Gobles, MI)



we have a lot of snow!

Barry's Response - Good on you. I love it when it snows like that, but it rarely happens on the Canadian Prairies. In Calgary we have to wait until May.

By that point, this kind of snow is not usually welcomed with open arms. The snow in May is often too wet, making it difficult to enjoy winter activities, yet it makes driving a problem because it can be the heaviest snow of the year. It's also usually quite warm, which can cause a rapid melt that can cause flooding.

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Snow Trees

by Ashley Villegas
(Miami but i was in canada)

Lovely White Forest

Lovely White Forest

We were driving and we got to a part were it was filled with big trees with piles and piles of snow on them.

Barry's Response - Just beautiful. Welcome to our land in the north. You'll find it nice and clean and white here.

An example would be seeing deer grazing in the distance or a large flock of birds perched in the trees, creating a picturesque scene.

Thanks for the photo, Ashley.

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snow heart?

by lucillegregoryrebamoon

Snow Drive

Snow Drive

snow heart love sleeping dream

Barry's Response - A little weather word association, perhaps? How 'bout a gushy moment?

There's nothing like a snowy landscape for a heartwarming love story. Imagining two people falling in love while walking in the snow, their hearts racing as they share their hopes and dreams. Under a blanket of snowflakes, they eventually fall asleep together.

They relive those precious moments in their dreams, their laughter echoing through the mountains. When they wake up, the memory of that night fills their hearts with joy and warmth.

It can be like a winter wonderland, cold and icy on the surface, but filled with warmth and beauty underneath. Each love story is unique and special, just like a snowflake.

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snow heart
by: Amo in utah

i see your snow heart

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the snow in the uk

by Zahara Muguluma

♪-Oh the weather outside is frightful-♫

♪-Oh the weather outside is frightful-♫

for a couple of days there has been snow in the uk and some of the roads where shut but the snow wasn't biger than these pics here they where only 5 and 6 ft and there where power cuts in england and lots of schools shuting down because of the snow.

Here is a picture of the uk snow

Barry's Response - The snow in the UK looks strangely similar to the snow we get here in Canada. It's almost like the snowflakes are exchanging. Considering the distance between us, the similarity is pretty amazing. Even when we're worlds apart, we can still find common ground.

Thank you Zahara.

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Let it snow

by shnitsel

And snow some more!

And snow some more!

it hasnt snowed in florida in a while but i have a feeling this is the year!

Barry's Response - Thanks Shnitsel... And maybe not in Canada.. Ha Ha!

The temperatures in Florida can been cooler than usual during the wintertime of year, which could mean that there is a higher chance of snowfall at times.

Additionally, meteorologists may then predict a colder-than-average winter in the state, which could lead to the perfect conditions for snow. You know it doesn't happen often.

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snow its Miracle..!

by Diellza Sadiku

When the ski snow report says

When the ski snow report says

i want to publish this photo taken by me..

Barry's Response Hey, nice pic. That's what an snow-making machine looks like on a ski hill, is it? Some areas get enough cold weather but not quite enough snow for the ski season and a little help helps.

There are some places that get cold weather but don't get enough natural snowfall. To make sure ski resorts have enough snow for customers, snow-making machines are used and this helps ski resorts keep enough snow cover for customers to ski and snowboard for fun.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.