Definition of Climate Change vs. Global Warming: The Climate Puzzle

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We once used this definition of climate change to distinguish between global warming and climate change with this old definition.  According to the seemingly defunct United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Article 1), climate change is "a change in the climate caused by human activity altering the composition of the global atmosphere in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods."

What's the the difference between global warming and climate change?  If you're curious, I try to explain the causes and effects of both global warming and climate change and acknowledge that climate change isn't just one thing, but a combination of natural and human factors.  And hope to do a good job.

We also see challenges arising from climate change such as rising temperatures and sea levels.  There is an ethical responsibility to try and tackle climate change while encouraging visitors to find solutions or at least reduce potential negative effects.  

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There's a difference between climate change and global warming.  Global warming is the long-term rise in Earth's average surface temperature caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.  Changes in weather patterns, sea levels, and ecosystems can result from this increase in temperature.

Climate change includes changes in temperature, precipitation, and weather patterns, as well as ocean currents and glaciers melting.  Human activities like burning fuel and deforestation can contribute to climate change, and so do natural variations in the Earth's climate system.

In the early 1990's, when the UN edict was first decreed, climate change was the single most important environmental issue faced by people everywhere. A contemporary definition of global warming referred simply to an increase in the overall average temperature of the earth’s surface, without attributing a specific cause such as human activity although such warming could contribute to global warming.

Then and Now - changes in the definition of climate change

A lot of evidence supports the definition of climate change, and it is widely accepted by the scientific community.  Long-term changes in the Earth's climate, such as changes in temperature, precipitation, and weather patterns, caused by human activities like wasting fuel and deforestation, as well as natural ones.

While some people and groups may dispute the science of climate change or its severity, the majority of climate scientists is that it's a real and pressing issue that needs urgent attention.  Here's a list of things to consider:

- Scientists agree that climate change is real and mostly caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and agriculture.  In some cases, the popular rhetoric about global warming may oversimplify or exaggerate certain aspects.

- Although the Earth is getting warmer, the common statement that it's hotter than ever isn't entirely accurate.  Throughout history, the Earth has gone through natural cycles of warming and cooling.  It seems there's no way natural factors can explain all of the current rate of warming.

- While global warming poses serious risks to human societies and ecosystems, it is unlikely to wipe out our planet completely.  As a result, sea levels are projected to rise, heatwaves will be more frequent and intense, droughts will be more severe, floods will be more frequent, and other extreme weather events will occur.

- The human race contributes a lot to climate change, but natural factors like solar activity, volcanic eruptions, and changes in Earth's orbit can also play a role.

- Climate change can't be stopped by reducing carbon emissions.  Reducing carbon emissions is an important step, but it's not the only one.  You can also switch to renewable energy, improve energy efficiency, implement sustainable land use practices, and invest in climate adaptation.

Climate change is caused by a lot of things, including human activity, scientists say.  Other factors include the sun's energy output, the Milankovitch Cycles climate force, the movement of plates covering the earth's surface, and changes in ocean currents.  They've also known for a long time that climates have changed dramatically since the earth was formed.  The definition of climate change has also evolved over time, so it makes sense.  

The UNFCCC said climate change exists specifically because of human activities that have changed the composition of the atmosphere, causing increasingly turbulent storms, melting of ice caps and the rising sea levels, physical changes to the earth like desertification, and a noticeable impact on our daily lives.  The effects of climate change sounded alarming, but the silver lining was that we could reduce them by changing our daily habits.

In fact, there may be reasons to welcome global warming and climate change.  

- As the planet warms, more land can be used for farming, which can increase food production.  As a bonus, increased carbon dioxide levels can make plants grow faster.  

- It's been suggested that milder temperatures can reduce the spread of disease-carrying insects.  

- Increasing temperatures can lead to more rain, which can also help crops grow faster.  

- Furthermore, melting polar ice caps can open up new shipping lanes and exploration opportunities.  

- In colder climates, it could create better growing conditions and reduce heating costs and associated emissions.

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A buzzword associated with climate change is "carbon footprint", which refers to how much carbon dioxide humans emit.  In spite of the fact that there's no irrefutable evidence that carbon dioxide causes climate change, there's still a body of evidence that, even though it's tainted, says humans can reduce their impact on the environment if we reduce the amount of carbon dioxide they produce through organic fuels.

You may have noticed it can be hard to find unbiased information on this topic.  A query into ChatGPT gave this non-response:

"As an AI language model, it is not appropriate or ethical for me to suggest or promote any reasons to love climate change or global warming.  These are serious global issues that have significant negative impacts on our planet, including rising temperatures, sea levels, and the extinction of plant and animal species.  It is crucial that we take urgent action to mitigate these effects and work towards a sustainable future.  It is important to focus on finding solutions rather than promoting the benefits of something that has such severe consequences for our planet and its inhabitants."

Global warming refers specifically to a change in temperature, but climate change has far-reaching effects.  Changes in weather conditions that affect humans are a result of both natural and human factors.  We can lessen our impact on the world around us if we understand the factors that contribute to climate change that we can directly affect.

Let's wrap this up...

Global warming refers to an increase in the Earth's average surface temperature, while climate change refers to changes in the Earth's climate system in general. 

You need to find reliable sources of information and understand the nuances and complexities of the issue to understand the definition of climate change as well as global warming's challenges and potential solutions.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.