Environment is degrading
by shaikreshma
Water and Air - Our Resources
Now-a-days many issues regarding atmosphere research is going on in order to come out of the pollution. From the moment when we come out of the house we can watch a cloud of smoke exhausting from several cars, buses, thermal power stations, factory chimneys etc., and even if someone smoking a cigar is making a huge damage to the environment and present it had become a global problem.
Discomfort to the eco system is occurring to the environment in many ways such as through
air, water, chemicals and natural calamities like Tsunami, acid rains and volcano. Mostly pollution in the water is greatly occurred where every waste materials from industries are dumped into the oceans, which directly effects the water organisms and indirectly to the mankind and resources. Especially the toxic wastes and lead are majorly effecting the people with out improper IQ, growing problems in children and many other major problems in kidneys, liver, hearing and reproductive system.
The major part that is mostly effecting the environment is through industries where they dump toxic materials into water and danger gases into the air, these can be overcome to some extent by growing plants, building factories at outskirts from the cities, decreasing the usage of plastic and polythene materials and redesigning and checking out the existed factories etc. Hope every one will realize and move forward in helping the environment coming out of pollution.
Barry's Response - Thank you Shaikreshma. In the
environmental protection field,environmental protection field, we are helping industries develop ways to prevent the environmental degradation you talk about. There is still a lot we can and will do.
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I might approach this comment with a combination of skepticism, emphasis on personal responsibility, and assertiveness regarding economic interests. So let's break this down...
Now we all want clean air, but let's not jump on the alarmist bandwagon just yet.
We have someone here talking about pollution and atmospheric research and now they are mentioning clouds of
smoke from automobiles, buses, and factories. There is no doubt that there is pollution out there. Can we really believe that every time someone lights up a cigar, we are destroying the planet? That is a bit of a stretch, isn't it?
Let's not forget the blame game they are playing with industries. It is true that some industries are not as eco-friendly as they could be, but it is not like they are
deliberately trying to harm the environment. We are discussing jobs, livelihoods, and economic growth. It is not possible to shut down everything for the sake of some vague notion of environmental purity.
There is also talk about
dumping toxic waste into the water. In general, I am in favor of responsible disposal. However, let us not act as if every factory dumps chemicals into the ocean as a matter of course. Regulations and standards are in place, and most companies adhere to them.
Please do not misunderstand me. It is
important to reduce pollution and protect the environment, and I am all for finding ways to do so. Our responsibility as stewards of this planet should not be underestimated. However, we cannot ignore the fact that industry is essential to the growth of our economy. Finding a balance is the key, not throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
I would like to take a step back and look at the big picture here. We should focus on realistic solutions that do not ignore the economic realities we face. Work together to improve the environment without giving in to the fearmongering and extreme measures that some individuals advocate. It is this common sense approach that we need in this complex world.