finding level of pollution in a drainage system at different location in a town

by mohit pareek
(mumbai, maharahstra, india)

Example of a Drainage Pumping Station

Example of a Drainage Pumping Station

This project was chosen by us to represent our school at a children science congress. We had to show our project to the judges when they come on a round to see all the projects.

We collected dirty water at different locations from the drainage pool. Then we gave it in laboratory to find out the level of pollutants in the water. We found that the level of pollutants were increasing as the drainage pool was going deep in the city.

We had a successful project and we won 2nd prize at that event. This type of science projects try to give external exposure to students which is very good. I love to love to do this kind of project again and again...

Barry's Response - Sounds like the work of a hydrological engineer. Perhaps that's the field of study you should pursue, Mohit. There will never be a shortage of work. Thanks for your photo.

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How to Drain Your Home's Plumbing System
by: Irfan

If you have a water hammer problem and older style air chambers, then you need to learn how to drain the system so that air can refill the air chamber. Although draining the system will solve (or greatly reduce) your water hammer problem, the problem will come back as the water system is used. It may be a few months or it may be a year, but you'll have to do this again.

Let's take a look at how to easily drain and then recharge your home's plumbing system.

Finding level of Pollution in Drainage system...
by: Sathyaraj

Really the valuable article... where discussed above is nice... I got many things by the article... Great thinking... Go ahead...

Good information
by: Anonymous

As a farmer water pollution is a huge concern to me. Thanks for this information.

by: Anonymous

I understand that, it is very nice.The image is very interesting.

by: Anonymous

wow, such a beautifull article. The image is very nice. The informations are also very usefull.

pollution in a drainage system
by: Sangeetha

Modern drainage systems incorporate geotextile filters that retain and prevent fine grains of soil from passing into and clogging the drain. Geotextiles are synthetic textile fabrics specially manufactured for civil and environmental engineering applications. Geotextiles are designed to retain fine soil particles while allowing water to pass through. In a typical drainage system they would be laid along a trench which would then be filled with coarse granular material: gravel, sea shells, stone or rock. The geotextile is then folded over the top of the stone and the trench is then covered by soil. Groundwater seeps through the geotextile and flows within the stone to an outfall. In high groundwater conditions a perforated plastic (PVC or PE) pipe is laid along the base of the drain to increase the volume of water transported in the drain.

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Perhaps modelling air pollution will provide the answers to your question.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.