Climate Conundrum: Greenhouse Gases & Global Warming articles

Find more about global warming.

Check out these global warming articles. Want answers to your research?  You can find a long list of articles on global warming now.  Below are brief descriptions of each.

What about global warming?  Scan this collection of articles to learn more about our environment.  RU curious about the most critical greenhouse gases?  We might have the answers.  Like what connects ozone depletion and global warming.

How about ice caps?  We show how global warming affects these icy giants.  What's in it for our climate if greenhouse gas emissions rise uncontrollably?  I might have some insights.

Population growth, carbon dioxide, the world's at-risk regions - we tackle them all with scientific facts.  You might wonder how much truth was conveyed in "The Day After Tomorrow" - an historic movie that highlighted global warming.  Explore global warming with our comprehensive articles.  Find the truth here!

Also below are ten common questions with straightforward answers, along with some links for more info.  If you want more scientific articles, try this page.

Global Warming Articles

The Shocking Truth Behind Global Warming

Check this list of global warming articles currently posted on

global warming pictures - Global warming pictures can be a powerful way to communicate the effects of climate change.  Images can show rising temperatures, melting glaciers, sea level rise, extreme weather events, etc.  Visualizing the effects of global warming can inspire action.

solutions for global warming - There are a lot of ways to deal with global warming, including reducing greenhouse gases, using more renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry, and adopting climate-smart technologies.  Governments, businesses, and individuals around the world will have to work together to implement these solutions.

global warming carbon dioxide - Is Carbon Dioxide to blame for global warming?  Carbon dioxide is one of the main greenhouse gases.  Although methane and nitrous oxide can contribute to climate change, carbon dioxide is the biggest driver of long-term warming (because there is so much more of it).  CO2 emissions are mainly caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes.

air pollution cause global warming - Although air pollution and global warming are separate issues, they're interconnected.  The same things that cause air pollution, like burning fossil fuels and industrial processes, also cause global warming.  The amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface can also be affected by air pollution, altering the planet's energy balance and contributing to global warming.

cause of global warming - Global Warming - The $64,000 Question: The cause of global warming is a complex and multifaceted problem.  There are natural factors that can affect climate, like volcanic activity and solar radiation, but the current warming trend is mostly human.  Fossil fuel burning and deforestation have released tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and raising Earth's temperature.

global warming cartoons -  Cartoons can be a great way to communicate complex issues, like global warming.   Cartoons can help people understand climate change and the need to act by using humor and satire.  Also, they can give insight into the political, social, and economic factors that contribute to this.  

global warming in the past - Global Warming in the Past - It was Always Warming or Cooling: Earth's climate has fluctuated throughout its history due to volcanic activity, changes in solar radiation, and fluctuations in its orbit.  Human activity, however, is mainly responsible for the current warming trend, which is unprecedented in speed and scale.

globle warming - A Really Bad Spell of Global Warming: Global warming isn't just a short-term weather event.  Our planet is being impacted by a long-term trend of rising temperatures.  Global warming causes sea level rise, melting glaciers, more frequent and intense heatwaves, droughts, and extreme weather events.

global energy balance - Upsetting the global energy balance could lead to global warming: The global energy balance refers to how much energy enters and leaves the Earth's atmosphere.  A change in this balance, like the release of greenhouse gases, can cause global warming.  Climate change is caused by human activities disrupting the Earth's delicate climate system, so it's important to address the root causes.

dire predictions of global warming - see the 2005 film An Inconvenient Truth.  Among the potential impacts of global warming are extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and biodiversity loss.  The film probably shows how these impacts will play out if greenhouse gas emissions don't go down.  Global warming may also be addressed through potential solutions.

another view of global warming - Here's another perspective on global warming.  The topic suggests that there are different perspectives on global warming, and the special guest might offer an alternative point of view.  A special guest could be a scientist, a policy expert, or someone who's personally experienced global warming.  It encourages critical thinking and an open-minded approach to understanding global warming.

global warming evidence - Evidence of global warming - Facts against it.  Scientists agree that global warming is real and caused primarily by human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation.  Even so, some people and organizations dispute global warming's existence or severity, citing alternative theories.  Discuss the scientific evidence for and against global warming, as well as the credibility of different sources.


Pollution to the evolution
A poetic moment by Jake Ingram
Stockton on Tees, England

Over flooding
Low rotation
Under water cities
Time is running out
Ozone layer
Now there's pollution

Question 1. In your opinion, what are the most important greenhouse gases? What is their origin?

Global warming articles usually include:

Carbon Dioxide CO2 - Many sources.  Respiration and decay are natural ones.  CO2 is mostly created by combustion, industry, and transportation.  Cars.

Methane is a natural product of decomposition, including digestion and soil emissions.  Agriculture consistently contributes this one.  According to global warming articles, our industries leak fuel gases containing this stuff. 

For more info, check out the article on natural gas leak detection.

Ozone O3 - at lower elevations – Under its blanket, it traps radiation.  According to a few global warming articles, some natural processes pull ozone out of the ozone layer.  This is stratospheric intrusion.  Ground-level ozone is also created by industry.

Don't confuse it with stratospheric ozone.  The ozone layer has been destroyed by certain emissions in the past.  It's still a hot topic.  Check it out.

Nitrous Oxide N2O - Natural sources come from ammonia decomposition.  Again, agriculture plays a big role.

Water vapor H2O - 
Evaporation puts this guy in the air. The air will be able to accommodate more of this one with global warming.  Also, human endeavours enhance vapour content; steam is released from power plants for example.

Halocarbons are gases that contain C, H, F, Cl and numbers. They're not naturally occurring.  For aerosol sprays, foams, and refrigeration.  These are the substances causing the problems in the next question.

Aerosols are also called particulates.  Fires and volcanoes naturally produce it.  Dust and smoke are released by a lot of human activities.

Without greenhouse gases, the planet would be at least 50°F colder.  That's why we need them.

Question 2. What is the relationship between ozone depletion and global warming?

Other chemicals deplete stratospheric ozone.  Catalysts for reactions that dismantle ozone molecules.  The molecules of these substances contain chlorine and fluorine atoms.  Global warming articles call them halocarbons, chlorocarbons, and fluorocarbons.

This is a different, but just as serious, global environmental problem.

Question 3. In what ways will global warming affect the polar ice caps?

The Greenland ice cap and glaciers are predicted to melt away and raise sea levels by over 20 feet, according to global warming articles and a documentary film.  The melting is supposed to cause salt dilution, which could stop ocean currents and cause wintry scenes like those in The Day After Tomorrow.  

Wouldn't that slow the melting down?  Anyway, this melting will take hundreds of years.

Question 4. If greenhouse gas emissions increase, what will happen to the Earth's climate?

The most popular weather predictions in global warming articles:

As a global average, temperatures will rise anywhere from 2 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

Some areas will get colder - Desalination of parts of the ocean and suppression of the Atlantic Gulf Stream, which keeps the northern hemisphere mild.  In that movie The Day After Tomorrow, this is what might happen.

Some researchers say the Great Plains and southwest will be wetter.

Drier areas - The pattern of rain and drought is predicted to change, but how exactly remains to be seen.  There's a dispute.

Question 5. What is the impact of the increasing population on global warming?

As global warming articles point out, more people should create more greenhouse gases, unless people suddenly realize their consequences and change their behavior.

Question 6. What is the impact of carbon dioxide on the world?

True facts on global warming:

Many global warming articles list it first.  This is because there's so much of it being produced, and Kyoto and other agreements deal with it.  For more info, check out the Solution Global Warming.  

Heat energy trying to escape the planet's atmosphere is trapped by greenhouse gases.  Normally, it goes out through virtual windows, but they're getting plugged up.  Energy comes in through different windows that aren't completely blocked.

A decrease in oxygen concentration would make us all suffocate if there's enough CO2.  But that'd take a while.  After a certain amount is produced, an incremental increase would probably have little effect on global warming.  That's because adding to that radiation window would be redundant once it's full.

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Global Warming Klan 
We the people are the cause of the global warming I say we all should die so the planet could live the way it is. I also want to destroy everything …

chemical contamination water and air 
Can you please provide some detail on Environmental effects that come from various types of pollution in air and water? Please elaborate on air quality …

Global Cooling 
Do you have global cooling a graph of the average temperature per year over the past 2000 years? I am trying to get a handle on this issue for myself. …

Ozone Hazards 
I'd like to know about air pollution and its effects as well as the chance of damaging the ozone layer. Barry's Response - Girdhar: There are …

why are u asking  Not rated yet
Tell those in charge of government or business that you care about global warming, and that you expect them to do something about it. They cannot know …

How does warmer weather effect the earth? Not rated yet
When there is warm weather that means that the ice caps will melt, as they already have started. If the ice caps melt then the sea level will become …

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Question 7. How are steps being taken to prevent the increase in global warming as much as possible?

Here are some ideas mentioned in global warming articles:

International pollution incentives - Cars

  • Reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Environmentally friendly products and smart buying decisions.
  • Green Taxes and rebates.
  • Articles about global warming.
  • Emission reduction agreements, emission credits, and trading.


How many alternative energy uses can you think of?  There's hydrogen, nuclear, solar, and wind.

  • Commuter challenges (contests),
  • car pooling,
  • Cars that use less energy,
  • Improve transit service and awareness.

The major earth by yash jain of kolkata/westbengal/india
a earth of fire and thousands of people running here and there of the frightened faces

Question 8. What are the most important regions?

Articles about global warming like to visualize disasters.  Here are a few examples...

Low-lying areas, heavily populated, homes lost to flooding and rising sea levels.  There are a lot of third world countries that are severely affected.

There's a chance that temperate regions that haven't been affected yet by diseases like Lyme Disease, West Nile, and Malaria could now get them.

Precipitation is marginal and maybe decreasing in agricultural areas.

Question 9. Other global warming articles attribute the rise in Earth's surface temperature to human activities. Could you elaborate?

All of us are sources of:

Heat comes from our breathing, animals, cars, houses, industries.  I'm sure you get the point.

Green house gases also come from our bodies, animals, cars, houses, and industries.  All emit carbon dioxide, methane (cows are famous here), or both.  As a result, heat gets trapped and the temperature goes up.

How does global warming work?  It's just a change in average temperature.  Global warming graphs show how historical temperatures fluctuated by much more than we're seeing now, according to a lot of articles and websites.

The earth has survived global warming.  There is some question about whether mankind will survive many of these changes.  Only one way to find out for sure, but I'm willing to bet yes.

Question 10. Despite cinematography playing on serious issues, how much truth was conveyed in "The Day After Tomorrow"?

There's a lot written about it and even more about An Inconvenient Truth.  Hollywood sacrifices some grim reality for excitement and profit, so keep that in mind.  Any of those things shown in the movie are possible.

What if they all happened at the same time?  That'll be decided.  Some global warming articles explain why multiple things could happen in a sudden chain reaction, causing disaster.

We'll see.

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Articles on the greenhouse effect and global warming.  The history of global warming, air information, statistics, and FAQs related to global warming.

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