Global Warming Effect

by Rebecca

Where did everybody go?

Where did everybody go?

The global warming is making many effects, like the ice is melting and the polar bears are dying 'cause they get tired when they swim and there is nowhere where they can rest. So then they sink, IT IS ALREADY LATE NOW BUT WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD AND HELP THE POLAR BEARS FROM GETTING EXTINCT SO IT'S BETTER TO START WORKING HARD BY:

1. dont leave the lights on.

2. recycle use a bicycle instead cars(so we can reduce the air pollution.)

These are all good and easy so let's start doing it before it gets worse - make a change to the world and help the polar bears and their little cute babies.


Barry's Response Thank you, Rebecca for this picture of lonely polar bear out on a wayward piece of ice.

I sometimes wonder, has this kind of thing always happened to bears or is it just recent? Are we only now aware of it because we have cameras, internet and transportation not available to previous generations? There is a good chance of that that needs to be considered.

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by: Anonymous

This is an excellent post I seen thanks to share it. It is really what I wanted to see hope in future you will continue for sharing such a excellent post.

good article
by: Aja

A lot of article about the perspective of human life. You have explored human life in his own style or level of thinking which is very unique. I don't have anyone who have such high level of thinking about life. You don't think like other human think, You don't see the life like ordinary person see and live. You have given a new direction to human life.

Save the fabulous polar bears
by: Anonymous

Polar bears are fabulous we should save them because they are so fabulous they deserve to live and you can't deny them the right to be fabulous. Please recycle your trash. End global warming.

by: asia cromwell

this picture has really inspired me to take my part in making the world a better place. thankyou for sharing this with me.

global warming
by: Anonymous

In the 1950 there were only about 5,000 polar bears but today there are over 30,000 of them. I am no expert but I think they are doing just fine thank you very much.
I don't understand the push to reduce C02 as this is not a polutant, there are much better things to go after like large cities dumping raw sewage directly into the oceans. In Canada we have Victoria in B.C. that does just that.
Why greenpeace and others are fixated on CO2 is beyond me as higher levels just make it easier for plants to grow and produce more O2.
This whole movement is replacing the socialist movement by using the green movement to move wealth from rich countries to poorer ones. I hope the public will catch on and stop it.
Another interesting thing is the recycling movement, in our city it cost about $4,000.00 a ton to collect recycled plastic and paper etc. and they get to sell it for $30.00 per ton. This makes no sense at all, it is a waste of money and time and effort. All of our waste should be burned and used to produce energy.
Please stop sending money to rip off artists like greenpeace and the world wildlife fund etc. they are all just socialist painted green and they want to ruin our countries and the world.
Just in ending, life in Canada would be a whole lot better if there was some global warming, it is just to cold here.

Global Warming
by: Anonymous

I saw a graph on global warming and the only time it wasn't rising was from 1946-50. That was when a war torn Europe was slowly rebuilding with little economic activity. The graph didn't reverse, it just flattened out. As soon as the economy got rolling again, we were back to the races.I guess as soon as the next economic bubble occurs,the temp increase rate should increase again. Unless we just keep people broke and unemployed that is? I really hope I am wrong!:(

Think about it.
by: Anonymous

The planet was completely ice at one time, the ice has been melting for thousands of years. We can not change its inevitable course. Everything or anything will end in time. The key word here is moderation, if you are wasteful and you know it, then you can do something about it, recycle, walk, ride, etc. etc.

Global Warning
by: Doris Duewel

HI BARRY, it is a scientifical proof, that the ice is NOW melting all the time, while it was earlier more.
It is also proven, that the number of ice bears are getting less all the time.
China and USA will be not only be the coffin nail to the ice bears, but later to mankind too.
If we all put enough pressure on these industrial nations to reduce their CO 2 output, we are saving our life with animals.

Global Warming Is A Lie!
by: Alue112

Gloabal warming is not real! polar bears can swim for hours!!! anyone that belives in global warming is dumb. scininties want us to do wat they want us to do. but, ridng a bike is better cuz you dont use up fewl. and recycling is good to.

Global warming
by: gurcharan

it was a tremendous article and impression is good. it wa much interesting than other one. no i dont want to explore any more of the site. i would like to find information about global warming.

Love Polar Bears
by: amcohn

Ive heard about this before..Not sure how long these poor animals have been suffring..but we do need to clean up the is true we, recycle,thats easy enough..

they sink?
by: connie

This site could be taken much more seriously if some of the writings weren't so childish sounding.
If cleaning up the planet is the answer to saving some of these animals, then we better do it. If we can find cleaner energy sources, it would be a big help, when you consider the ozone layer and global warming.

Why do people care so much about polar bears?
by: Christine

Not to say that they shouldn't be "saved", but I'm just curious why polar bears seem to have become the mascot for global warming advocates?

Many different species become endangered or extinct everyday, but it seems like polar bears are the ones that people point out and actually know about.

It would be interesting to learn about how polar bears became the symbol for environmentalists. And it would also be interesting to read some actual facts about the current status of polar bears.

global warming
by: helm

Well, global warming is definitely threatening not only polar bears but human race as well. I just hope someone will listen to folks like you. Perhaps it's not too late yet.

ayuda en camino
by: Anonymous

La responsabilidad de mantener el planeta limpio de contaminantes es de todos, asi que no nos hagamos d la vista gorda, el sol nos va a quemar a todos indistintamente cuando sea tarde.

From Barry - Using an online translator, this works out in English to "The responsibility to maintain the planet clean of polluting agents is of all, asi that we do not become d the fat Vista, the sun is going to us to burn indifferently to all when it is late." I don't know if that helps any.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.