Nowadays we are facing many problems related to changing climatic conditions like pollution, floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions etc. and amongst all these, the effect of global warming is drastic.

GLOBAL WARMING: Increase in average temperature of earth is known as global warming or green house effect.


When the direct or high temperatures of sunlight fall on the polar icecaps of mountains, the ice will melt and the melted water enters the oceans in order that the level of ocean water increases and causes floods, tsunamis and eruptions which were causing lots of loss to this global.

Here the direct sunlight damaging the OZONE layer. OZONE acts as a screen for ultraviolet radiation due to the presence of excess carbon dioxide and cfc's in atmosphere. Ozone is a colorless gas which was soluble in alkalines and cold water.

Ozone is very dense layer but due to this temperature increment it became thinner even it had a hole.

Ozone is measured in dobson unit (DU). Usually global average ozone is 300DU. ozone hole average is 100DU.

*why the temperature of earth increasing?
*why the direct sunlight was falling on the earth?

Do we know WHY?...........of course,the answer is yes, we know why and we also know who is responsible, and it is WE...our earth was under threat.

We were always running through our life safety but not feeling responsible about this nature that what happening to this environment because of us, and it was causing this world wide pollution problems which was causing the temperature increment.

so its needed to take care of our mother earth. not much but a little responsibility in every person can bring change. For instance:

*use natural resources.

*grow trees if not possible at least try to avoid cutting trees.

*use paper bags rather than polythene and plastic usage.

*bring awareness among unknown.

*save power and water.

*try to recycle the things around you. Above all:




Barry's Response - I don't think this needs further comment. Thank you. But

I'll try

..with these odds and ends.
We're all responsible for environmental problems like global warming and ozone depletion, so we need to understand these issues and act.

Distinguishing between Global Warming Ozone Layer Depletion
Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) accumulation from activities like burning fossil fuels.
In contrast, ozone depletion happens when chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) thin the stratosphere's ozone layer. Due to this, harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaches the surface of the planet, increasing the risk of skin cancer.

Stats and sources
CO2 emissions reached 36.3 billion metric tons in 2022. PM2.5 concentrations in 2024 averaged 50 micrograms per cubic meter. It's a good time to act.

Steps to Reducing carbon footprint - Here's what we can do:
- Eat low-chain foods: Fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans. By reducing meat and dairy, you'll reduce your carbon footprint.
- Switch to green energy or install solar panels.
- Reduce energy consumption with LED lights and energy-efficient appliances.
- Take public transportation, walk, or cycle once in a while if you don't already.
- Support eco-friendly companies and buy recycled stuff.

Check this page if you need a longer list of things to do toimprove your environmental interactions.

Search this site for more information now. Also, feel free to comment below.


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very high impact
by: stella

The impact will be very higher that we cannot withstand the destruction. All the living beings will be vanished and extinct from this world. the world is becoming a hell these days and no one is respecting the mother Earth.

From Barry - Thank you Stella for sharing your concerns! 💚 Thanks for caring about the health of our planet and protecting Mother Earth.

Biodiversity and the balance of life on Earth are threatened by rising temperatures, habitat loss, ocean acidification, and extreme weather events if global warming continues unchecked.

There's still hope! Around the world, communities, researchers, and individuals are working on solutions-like renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and reforestation-to slow down and reverse these harmful trends. Make a difference by reducing waste, conserving energy, or spreading awareness.

Let's respect and protect our amazing planet together.🌎

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.