Job Search

by Silas
(Guelph, Ontario Canada)

Temperature forecasting

Temperature forecasting

Please help with my job search. My name is Silas and I am an undergraduate student at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, in the Environmental Earth/Atmosphere Science program. My career goal is to work in the meteorology field. This summer, for my second coop work term, I am interested in working for a private company that specializes in weather prediction and forecasting.

I was wondering if there is any possibility of working with Also, perhaps you know of some contacts who may consider hiring a coop student.

Please respond with any possible positions in forecasting or apprenticing a meteorologist. It would be greatly appreciated.

Barry's Response - Silas:

Very flattering - I must say. It may not look like but is just a one man operation. And a very part time one at that.

My background consists largely of working with environmental engineering consulting companies, of which there are many in Ontario. I have done a fair amount of air quality modeling and regulatory reporting, and this may be a good career path for you to explore during a coop term.

If your studies are interdisciplinary in nature, I remember many students of this sort serving terms years ago in the research offices of Environment Canada. I wish I knew how to find those opportunities for you, but you might explore, or for starters.

I'm sure you already know about them. Good luck with the job search.

Search this site for more information now.

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Job search
by: Anonymous

I think it was related and very interesting. I think it was nice of barry to try and help him out.

pretty cool
by: Anonymous

I think you can make it...

no way
by: mark

not really related!!!

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