Maths is the art of living!

by Veera
(Chennai, India)

The great tool of Mathematics

The great tool of Mathematics

This site is great for someone new-to-metric to quickly appreciate the conversion factors that are employed by unit convertors. It could be well expanded for other measures as well such as length, weight etc., to make it a complete site for the kids to clearly understand how the imperial and metric units work in tandem.

Also, I am sharing some of my thoughts on Maths.

Maths is inherent in our life style. It is the obliging friend who shows us the way. It is the only constant thing that brings stability to our life. It liberates us from the problems. Some of the interesting facts on applying maths to the life style are below:

- The equation of the life is very simple:
Awareness + Cheerfulness = Happiness.
Being aware that the purpose of one's life is merely to make others happier and doing that by being cheerful are the fundamental that everyone needs to learn.

- When we are confused of making a decision, what do we do? We make list of pros and cons of each of the available options and take the best decision based on facts rather than the emotions and confused thoughts. Maths is the ray of sunshine that dispels these clouds and shows you the clear, blue sky.

- When you are angry, you count under your breath:'1-2-3-4-5...' until you calm down. when you are unable to sleep, you count sheep. when you feel depressed, you share the worries with your friends, so you have 'halved' them.

Barry' Response - Wikipedia says philosophy of mathematics examines logic, axioms, and proof as the foundations of mathematics. It also looks at how we use math to solve problems, like air pollution and informing better environmental design. Mathematics gives us logic and structure and has been a fundamental part of our progress.

You touch upon these concepts in your examples, Veera. Thank you very much.

Search this site for more information now.

Are you going metric?

  I've got the metric mojo!  The metric ocean is like "Finding Nemo" for conversions.  Ever wonder how a kangaroo measures its jumps?  You probably didn't, but now you can!

Let's talk about math - the unsung hero of our existence.  It's not just about equations; it's a life partner, like a trusty sidekick without the cape.  Stability?  You're anchored by math.  We're liberated from chaos by this superhero cloak.

Life's equation is simple: Awareness + Cheerfulness = Happiness.  Math teaches us how to calculate joy!  Existence is algebraic poetry.

Are you lost?  List the pros and cons; math is your GPS.  It turns tangled thoughts into clear skies.  It's as simple as 1+1=2. What's the secret?  It's better to make decisions based on facts than emotions.  

Feeling angry?  Count silently: '1-2-3-4-5...' until zen takes over.  Having trouble sleeping?  Count sheep - fluffy math saves the day.  Feeling blue?  Math as therapy - share worries, and suddenly you've halved the burden.

Explore this website a bit and see what you find.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.