My opinion

by Sara

Future of our Environment?

Future of our Environment?

I think it has been proven that global warming is not just another natural cycle the Earth is going through but is linked directly to the start of the Industrial age.

I think we should also discuss more the careless disregard of corporations that rape the enviornment and are the biggest causes of the deterioration of our earth - and figure out why they don't seem to give a damn.

How Business is Affected

I mean, business won't be good if we're all covered under a flood of melted artic ice, now will it? what people don't also realize is that a rise in global temperature also contributes to the occurence and severity of storms. So if we thought Katrina was bad, and all the damage from hurricans and tornados around the world excessive - it is only going to get worse.

You can't upset the natural balance of earth without there being consequences. We need to start holding corporations responsible for their wate, enforcing industry standards and guidelines in eco friendly production and encouraging people to organize at a grass roots level and boycott companies and manufactuerers that refuse to reduce their toxic outputs.

We should also focuse on enviornmental friendly living in general, including recycling and buyng reusaable instead of disposable products.

Barry's Response - My opinion, though, is that things occur in balance because they have to. In early 2009, for instance, the media focus shifted from environmental concerns to the frightening economy. Over time ecological stories will rise once again to a position of high importance, as they should.

I appreciate your thoughtful thoughts on environmental degradation. It's important to address the health of our planet.

Industrial Revolution

Human activities, especially burning fossil fuels, have increased greenhouse gas concentrations since the Industrial Revolution. Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in 2022 were 1.5 times higher than in 1850, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. As the same time as this global warming, precipitation patterns have changed, storms have intensified, and sea levels have risen.

Environmental stewardship is crucial for corporations. Some companies have made great strides toward sustainability, others haven't.
Oil companies have asked for help mitigating the impact of state climate lawsuits and Superfund laws.

When you don't do anything

- Neglecting environmental responsibilities has serious consequences.
- Former Secretary of State, criticized oil companies, including Saudi Aramco, for opposing renewable energy.
- Investments in solar and wind energy are outpacing fossil fuels.

Individuals and groups combined

- All sectors need to work together to solve environmental problems:
- Eco-friendly production standards need to be implemented. Companies need to be transparent about their environmental impact.
- People can drive change by organizing at the grassroots, advocating for sustainable practices, and holding corporations accountable.
- Recycling and reusable products make the planet healthier.

Earth is a great party venue. We've been enjoying the festivities without thinking about cleanup. The dance floor is sticky, and trash is piling up. It's time to wear our eco-friendly janitor hats, tidy up, and make sure the music keeps playing.

A sustainable future requires individual actions and systemic changes. We can make our planet healthier and more vibrant if we acknowledge the gravity of the situation and work together.

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by: Anonymous

I think concern over nature is an important thing to have. I do think that the concern over global warning has gotten out of hand and shouldnt be our top priority. I think this article was important, but it didnt really intrigue me. I probably would move on to other things...

From Barry - It's always refreshing to hear different perspectives, and I completely agree that protecting nature is important. Global warming seems out of hand or not a priority, especially when there are so many pressing concerns in our daily lives-economic worries, healthcare, social well-being, etc.

Climate change is a threat multiplier, which means it affects more than just food security, water availability, infrastructure resilience, and public health. There's more to extreme weather events (floods, droughts, wildfires) than just the environment. Supply chains get disrupted, insurance costs go up, and livelihoods get impacted.

Because it's a big, sometimes overwhelming topic, not every article or discussion is immediately captivating. Science connects to areas people care about: energy innovation, job creation, protecting natural places, or even maintaining peace and stability.

Maybe it's not for everyone. Whenever people circle back to this topic, I hope they'll see how solutions to air quality problems, including climate change actually benefit their priorities.

Care for Nature
by: piscean

I beleive more statistics need to be put in to support the argument that corporations are the major cause for damaging environment. Statements not supported by facts and figures do not amount to much. Would strongly recommend to come up with interesting facts- similar to that mentioned by Al Gore in his site to make the reader more aware about environment.

Barry's Response - It wouldn't be an opinion anymore.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.