My Rainforest Experience

by Ryan

Tropical vegetation at night.

Tropical vegetation at night.

I have visited both tropical and temperate Rain forests and I find it so appalling that they are being cut down. I've visited temperate Rain forests in the Pacific Northwest and tropical rain forests

along the Amazon River in Peru. Both forests were completely green, filled with enormous amounts of wet plants, trees, shrubs, and leaves and tons of different animals. When I was in Peru we saw snakes, frogs, and tons of unfamiliar insects. It baffles my mind that people can cut down parts of rich, lush ecosystems that so greatly affect our lives.

While I never experienced rain forest destruction first-hand, I am somewhat familiar with the processes of rain forest destruction and clear cutting. While I’ve never seen the movie The Lorax, I read the book as a child. I did, however, watch a movie called Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest, that first informed me about the tragic destruction that occurs to rain forests and all of the plants and animals that are tragically demolished. I’ve also seen Rain Forest protection and awareness in certain museums or aquariums, or other products that assist with Rain Forest protection.

While I’m not sure what will get corporations and companies to stop demolished so much of the forest, I do believe that a little can go a long way. If people are more informed about what is happening to Rain Forests, and how much of a impact they really do have on our lives, maybe they will make a difference.

Barry's Response - Wanna see something scary?

It's a modern real-life version of those fictional clear-cutting machines shown in the The Lorax.

Search this site for more information now.

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by: A Logger's Wife

I found your post very interesting although upon first impression I thought the post was on a completely different subject. :) Rain forests are a very important factor in our world however many people fail to realize their importance and choose not to care about it at all rather than do any research. Others, do what they can and hope to leave impressions along the way. That being said, I'm married to a logger, his dad was a logger and his dad's dad was a logger. No, he doesn't go clear cutting forests however he does clear cut typically for Weyerhauser companies and they use the wood for papers and such. Required essentials.

Anyhow, my point is that not all loggers are the same. The companies my husband works for comes behind the loggers and replants the area with new trees (mainly pine) and its a cycle they've had for years. So, while not all loggers are "bad loggers", there are some out there and its very important to know where to point fingers at.

I hope that in time, there will be enough of us to stand up and stop demolition of forests and find new, unique ways to make various things that do not require harming our environment!

Barry's Response - I hope most of us know that not all harvesters do so irresponsibly.

The right of trees to live
by: cangel

The video about deforestation of rainforests was striking, and troubling. Your question is pertinent. How do we convince companies to stop destroying rainforests. Maybe we need to send them for conferences in the middle of a destroyed forest instead of at a resort. And then let them fend for themselves and forage what they can for shelter and food. Then they might understand that what they are doing affects the people living in these areas, and ultimately the rest of the world that is being deprived of the treasure they are destroying.

Thought provoking.
by: Anonymous

The article is well written and one feels the anguish that the writer had experienced and the concern that he feels about the destruction that is going on and what must be done about it. I have personally seen large stretches of pine forests being cut down, often illegally, by traders dealing with lumber.

I quite agree with the writer in that there is more awareness about what is happening to our environment. i do hope that the number of Government and voluntary agencies that are coming up for environmental preservation and management will be effective in what they do.

True, but....
by: Anonymous

It is unfortunate that logging and construction are depleting the rainforests.

But, it is important to remember that we are much more educated about the environment and the affects of our actions now than we were even 30 years ago. However, developing countries are still struggling for economic success and viability. Is it fair for developed nations to control the growth of those less fortunate? We created much of the problem and are now trying to control the spread of the disaster but also whole nations at the same time.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.