one is bad but two even worse

by sylvia purita
(new york, ny)

This just ain't my bag

This just ain't my bag

I have been recently outraged by the way the supermarkets ignore the impact of plastic bags on the environment. Each time I go to do my shopping I see other people's (I bring my own shopping bag with me) grocery packed in enormous, and by all means not necessary, amount of plastic bags. these plastic bags can be seen everywhere around the supermarket area littering the street, flying in the air, etc. (Think: American Beauty)

I think that it is a good idea, introduced first by state of California, to charge people for each plastic bag they use. Money, as we all know can be very effective tool to motivate people to change their behavior.

Barry's Response - These plastic bags are now being banned in some cities. You could also ban the company's logo or advertising on these bags.

One Canadian retailer started charging customers a few cents for these bags (back in the 1980s). It's been effective to a large extent, and it could eliminate the need for government intervention if all companies did this.

Regarding the broader issue of plastic bag usage and related initiatives...

For many years, plastic bags have been a major environmental concern because of their impact on ecosystems. Several countries and regions have implemented measures to reduce plastic bag consumption.

Another example is California's plastic bag charge you mentioned. We're encouraging people to bring reusable bags and shop more sustainably. Plastic bag reduction initiatives have been implemented all over the world with encouraging results in reducing plastic bag usage and raising awareness. It's inspiring to see people like you advocating for positive change and finding solutions.

However, some argue that these initiatives are not enough and that a total ban on single use plastics is the only way to make a significant impact. Globally, single-use plastic reduction initiatives are making great progress. These efforts have definitely made a difference in reducing plastic usage and raising awareness about its environmental impact. It's important to acknowledge and celebrate these accomplishments.

The passion and dedication of those advocating for a ban on these plastics is inspiring. Taking on the issue comprehensively requires urgency and commitment. We can make more strides towards a sustainable and environmentally conscious society by embracing both incremental progress and a bold vision for a plastic-free future. We can build a better future for our planet together, one step at a time.

Back in Canada now: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been addressing the issue of plastics. As of 2021, his government plans to ban harmful single-use plastics like bags, straws, cutlery, and stir sticks. In his speech, Trudeau emphasized the need to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment.

In Trudeau's policy, companies are held responsible for the plastic waste they generate, encouraging them to use more sustainable options. Furthermore, the government is promoting recycling and supporting innovative solutions to replace unnecessary plastics.

Trudeau has shown his commitment to environmental sustainability by taking a firm stance on plastic pollution. His efforts are aligned with the global movement to reduce single-use plastics. The Canadian government is leading the way towards a greener, more sustainable future with such determination and leadership.

In spite of the inconveniences, we expect to come out better on the other side.

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by: Anonymous

I think this is a good article but I don't think there are a problem if you reuse them that is alright. I think there our bigger issues to worry about.

From Barry - Plastic bags contribute to pollution and are made from non-renewable resources, so they're not especially sustainable. Climate change and air pollution are believed to have far more significant impacts on the environment, though.

While plastic bags are a problem, they're a small part of the bigger problem of plastic pollution. We find plastic waste in our oceans, landfills, and even in our food. There needs to be more focus on reducing the amount of plastic waste that's produced and thrown away.

Excellent message, wish there was more info
by: hunksjunk

I loved this article. As an avid user of reusable shopping bags, I couldn't agree more. I liked Barry's response because it gave some valuable information about possible ways to curb the use of plastic bags.

This article does make me want to search further on this website and leaves me wishing the article was longer and more in-depth about plastic shopping bags.

I've recently heard of people that are into the fiber arts (crochet, knitting, etc) that tear their plastic bags into this strips and actually made (by crocheting and knitting the thin strips) their own reusable shopping bags and many other items out of these plastic bags. At least they weren't thrown out!

From Barry - Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and agreement with the article. Using reusable shopping bags is a great way to reduce plastic waste, so it's great to hear you're already an avid user. There are a lot of ways we can curb plastic bag use.

The creative way some people repurpose plastic bags through fiber arts like crochet and knitting is interesting. In addition to preventing bags from being thrown away, this shows how materials can be reused in innovative ways. Seeing people come up with creative solutions to plastic waste is inspiring.

I encourage you to explore more articles on this website if you're interested in learning more about plastic shopping bags. There are tons of resources and information out there that can help you learn more. Let's work together to reduce plastic waste and make the world more sustainable.

I agree
by: Diva

I agree, I have bought the new cloth bags that they sell and our local King Soopers will give you .05 cents back if you bring it in. Now, I have to train myself to take the back in. I am about 50/50 now. However, I do recycle the bags that I do use when I forget to take my bags in.

From Barry - Reusing the bags encourages people to be more mindful of their consumption and reduce waste. Plus, it helps reduce plastic usage and shows your support for the environment.

I also reuse the bags so they don't end up in landfills as quickly.

Ban Plastic Bags
by: vishu

It made a positive impression upon not using the plastic bags. It was interesting to know that some organizations have come with an idea of charging money for these plastic bags. This step will certainly decrease the use of plastic bags.

This topic also points towards the safeguarding of our environment. Yeah i would certainly be looking for exploring such a site which depicts environmental issues. I would like to search about some tips about using eco-friendly products.

From Barry - I'm glad you're interested in reducing plastic bag usage and have a positive impression. Charges for plastic bags have proven effective in reducing their consumption and promoting sustainable alternatives. It's easy to protect our environment and minimize waste by using reusable bags and eco-friendly practices.

I'm glad you're interested in exploring a website about environmental issues. There's a lot of information, tips, and resources on living more sustainably and using eco-friendly products on these platforms. Our well-being and the planet can both benefit from them.

Check out the website and its resources if you're looking for eco-friendly tips. The sitemap at is a good place to start.

You'll probably find tons of articles and guides about sustainable living, eco-friendly alternatives, and how to incorporate them into your daily life. Together, let's make a positive impact on our environment for generations to come by living wisely and happily.

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