Result of human deeds...."As u sow so shall u reap"

by khushi

Can y'all hear me?

Can y'all hear me?

Heyyyyyy frends!

See global warming is a issue that everybody knows today.

So instead of saying or blaming each other we should try to find the root cause of it....and should think, "OK...what measures can we take to solve this problem irradically...otherwise we will lose everything...see we have got less time."

we should think about other living organisms living on ice and about our feature generation......and should really do something to control's our duty. THINK plzzzzz

Barry's Response - That would include carrying out some research and educating us on these environmental issues in order to make intelligent, informed decision. Thanks for the pep talk, Khushi. We're facing a

Big Challenge

...with global warming, and you're right to focus on action instead of blame. Climate is what you expect; weather is what you get, but global warming isn't just what we expect. It's what we do.

What's the cause? Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) trap heat in the atmosphere. When we use organic fuels, deforest, and engage in industrial agriculture, we add more than the planet can handle. One of our most powerful tools is the reduction of emissions.

With clean energy (solar, wind, and hydro power which are growing), we're less dependent on fossil fuels and are lowering greenhouse gas emissions. You could power your home with a solar panel one day. I installed some recently.

We're finding smarter ways to use resources, from electric cars (Thanks Elon!) to carbon capture. Buildings can make a huge difference when it comes to energy efficiency.

Polar bears, penguins, and all those lovely creatures living on ice are facing major challenges due to melting ice sheets. By protecting forests and investing in green spaces, we're not just absorbing CO2, but also saving wildlife habitats.

We can make

Better Decisions

...if we understand global warming. Weather patterns can be changed by small changes in temperature, so it's important to understand how we create them. Sharing this knowledge can inspire action.

Thus, we're sowing the seeds of change now so that our future (and those polar bears) is bright. Together, we can make the planet beautiful and sustainable. We're creative, but it won't be easy.

Global warming is a real threat in some ways, but science predicts we can do something about it. Just like weather systems change over time and give us new patterns, we have to come up with creative solutions. Let's have fun figuring it out.

Search this site for more information now.

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Monkey see monkey do
by: KOTO

Aloha Khushi:

You are so right on. If humans would have lived with (thinking monkey-see, monkey-do) and have learned the way of the animals we would not be in this advanced mess that we are in.

Animals are much smarter then humans, they take care of mother nature and do not destroy it. They don't cut the tree or re-route the rivers. They don't manufacture garbage to feed their families or tribes and they are close-knit families that take care of each other. They adjust to their homes and lifestyles without trying to take away others, unless forced out by humans.

Too many humans make things for self profit, not caring about the destruction of others'. Way too many humans think only of themselves with no regard for the elements of society that cannot speak up for themselves. You are smart in the way you think and I'm sure you will survive, as many will not. We need people like you to show others to take care.

I am very old and will not see what you will, but I wish that the powers above keep you around to teach others. Look up "Koto keeper of the ocean"
and you can see what I'm trying to do. You might even get some ideas. May the force be with you.

From Barry - Aloha, Koto! 🌊

Scientists study how animals and natural systems work together, often maintaining ecosystems in ways humans disrupt. Species like wolves, elephants, and sea otters regulate populations, shape habitats, and maintain biodiversity.
Closed-loop systems prevent waste and overconsumption.
Their behavior was shaped by the environment.

Thus, humans have developed technologies and economies that decouple consumption from immediate environmental feedback. As an example:
- We extract fossil fuels over millions of years, and then we release CO2.
- Ecosystems can't easily break down biodegradable waste in most animal systems.
- We've diverted rivers, deforested large areas, and fragmented habitats, causing biodiversity loss.
- Overshoot happens when humanity's demands on nature exceed Earth's capacity to regenerate and absorb.

Science also shows we can mimic nature's efficiency. Engineers and designers use biomimicry to make sustainable solutions. Consider this:
- Permaculture farms use plant diversity, natural pest control, and soil regeneration to mimic natural ecosystems.
- Circular economies eliminate waste by designing products that can be reused, repaired, or recycled.

You're right-social cohesion and responsibility are important. Connected communities (like those close-knit animal families you mentioned) act more environmentally friendly.

What can we learn from this? There's a sustainable system in nature. We're clever, but we've lost sight of the balance. How's it going? It's relearning itself scientifically, ethically, and practically.

Koto, keeping the ocean is a beautiful thing. Oceans produce over half of our planet's oxygen and regulate its climate. Protecting them is our responsibility.

Monkeys see, monkeys do, right? Humans need to see and learn.


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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.