Natural science helps us solve unnatural problems.

Science helps our planet survive; it needs our help. What can we do?

Many types of scientific solutions are offered by environmental and engineering service companies.  Potential polluters benefit from this.  Our planet does too.


Why would I read about scientific consultants?  Science consultants can help people understand the importance of getting a professional opinion on complex scientific and technical issues.  The training can also help them discover the range of services consultants can offer, like developing scientific strategies and helping them develop new products.

From one office to a big firm serving every region, consulting businesses come in all sizes.  Major Canadian companies like Stantec, Golder or AMEC.  There are some with a thousand or more staff.

It's best for a client to have a nearby office of professional research consultants.  They'd know what's going on in the local area.  It's great if the client needs equipment moved.

Other companies can do their work from a distance thanks to communications technology and computer science.  It's just like if they were next door.

Air dispersion modelling works great with this. In southern Alberta, firms like RWDI and Calvin Consulting Group Ltd., CCGL, handle it just as well as the big boys.

If the company behind the office is pretty big, the knowledge pool is more likely to have what you need right now.  Smaller firms need to specialize, and some do it really well.

Also, consider the client company as a whole. It's cool to have an environmental group working on the technical stuff. Multidisciplinary studies let us find innovative, economical solutions.

Science helps us understand things

This is a Wind Rose - a statistical plot of wind speeds and directions.  What does a windrose tell us?

Wind roses show how wind speed and direction change at a particular location over time. A wind rose usually has "spokes" that show the direction the wind blows from and colored bands that show how often each direction blows.

We can use them to understand the prevailing wind patterns in a particular location. Meteorologists use these charts to study local weather patterns and forecast wind conditions for aviation and marine operations.

Additionally, wind roses are used to assess the potential impact of wind energy projects on local ecosystems, and to investigate the dispersion of pollutants from point sources. As a whole, they are useful for gaining insight into wind patterns at a particular location, which can have a lot of practical implications.

That was a simple physical example.  How about something a little more abstract?  Can science help us understand corporations?

Science can certainly shed light on corporate culture, but it's important to remember that corporate culture is primarily a social science, not a natural science. Therefore, understanding companies relies heavily on theories and concepts from fields like organizational behavior, sociology, and psychology.

By providing empirical evidence about the impact of organizational practices and structures on employee behavior and performance, science can help us understand business firms and their cultures. Research in organizational behavior shows that certain leadership styles, such as transformational leadership, can lead to higher levels of employee motivation and job satisfaction, leading to better performance and productivity.

Science can also help us understand how groups behave within corporations. For example, how organizational culture is created and maintained, how social networks work in organizations, and how power and influence are distributed.

Do you have suppliers and contractors who don't seem to get your corporate culture? They might go through the motions, but they're not aligned with you.

Maybe you need someone who cares about your goals and values the long-term relationship.

There's something special about Calvin Consulting.   It's Calvin's multiple professional capabilities that give them the flexibility to prioritize your needs.

Things like incompatible internal requirements you've seen in other companies.  What can we do to prevent obstacles to good service? We know what we do. Regulatory compliance and Air quality services. Here is where to ask:


...for more information.

Our services can be tailored to your needs.  This company puts a lot of effort into environmental quality.

Even though science provides valuable insights into corporations and their cultures, it's important to study these complex social systems from a multidisciplinary perspective that takes a range of theoretical and practical perspectives into account.

Search this site for more information now.

You might see special results at the top of the page, above the word WEB. They're ads, but they might be important to you. Happy searching!

Navigate back from Science Helps to the Environmental Health and Safety Jobs web page now.

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Do you know how science contributes to the protection of our environment?

A service that specializes in environmental engineering.  Using science, industrial companies can solve problems related to bureaucracy, air quality, and environmental protection.

Do you have concerns about air pollution in your area??

Perhaps modelling air pollution will provide the answers to your question.

That is what I do on a full-time basis.  Find out if it is necessary for your project.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.