Shock Of Edmonton 2009

by eno

What the cold has done to the trees..

What the cold has done to the trees..

I think it's a surprise that our 2008 and 2009 weather have changed constantly. There's a big difference between 2008 weather and 2009 weather I don't know why our weather is so shocking, and I probably think Canada is so cold because our planet is changing. I hope our 2010 weather is not going to be so cold but I think that this might be the ending of our world. I know it's kind of crazy thinking that but think about it our world hasn't been this cold for a long time. I hope the weather gets better.

Sincerely "Brianna"

Barry's Response - Take a look at what the warm has done to the trees. All of them are green and leafy. It's warm after the cold. Every year.

By the way, thanks, Eno. We get anomalously cold winters sometimes, but they don't hurt the environment. We haven't had cold weather like we used to. According to Environment Canada's annual averages, Edmonton has been about a degree warmer over the last decade or so than it was in the 60s and 70s.

1987 was the warmest year, and 1996 was the coldest (up to 2005). Overall, 1950 and 1951 were the coldest years.

Remember Al Gore's global warming graphs? Here are a few that apply to Edmonton. Based on a linear regression of 1949-2009 data, predicted a rise of +2.24 degrees Celsius over that time, which they extrapolated to +3.8 degrees per century. Calgary's equivalent is 1.6 degrees per century, and most smaller places have lower trends. This is a global warming trend, according to Weatherspark.

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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, let us take a moment to examine a few ideas about the weather and the changing climate of our planet.

Our weather can surprise us sometimes, and it varies a lot from year to year. Now, I understand this might cause some concerns and questions, especially when it gets colder. It's important to be curious and critical about this topic.

Our planet's climate has always changed naturally throughout history. It's a complex system influenced by the sun, the oceans, and even humans. It's natural to worry about extreme weather, but we should also remember that weather patterns can change over time and in different places.

It's important for upcoming scientists to learn about climate change. Scientists around the world study our planet's climate extensively, looking at long-term trends and how human actions might affect it. We get accurate information and solutions from them.

It's a little extreme to think this might be the end of the world. We can work together to create a sustainable future even though climate change presents challenges. Conserving energy, using renewable energy, and reducing our carbon footprint are all things we can do. And they should help.

Be informed, ask questions, and take action as future stewards of this planet. Together, we can make a difference and make the world a better place. Let's explore the fascinating world of weather and climate and embrace the wonders of science.

Various processes influence our weather and climate, from the rotation of the Earth to the composition of the atmosphere. This exploration will help us understand the environment and why we need to protect it. The natural world around us is also beautiful and we're figuring out how keep it that way.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.