Teaching the Rainforest

by Mindy
(Austin, Tx)

Forest Leaves up Close

Forest Leaves up Close

I have never visited a dense lush forest. However, I would love to in the future. I am a Kindergarten school teacher, therefore, I teach my students about recycling to save the rainforest and ask them what we can do to save the rainforest. This is a pretty important talk and they come up with the regular ways, such as recycling, not cutting down trees, etc.

Part of our lesson is reading the book, The Lorax. The kids really love it and get into the fact that people are polluting and killing our rainforest.

I am not sure if you are familiar with the program that Tropicana is doing (up until 2011). On every container of juice, they have a label that says something about saving the rainforest. If you put the code into their website, you save 100 square feet of rainforest. It is really neat because you can see how much of the rainforest you have saved and revisit it later to keep track of it. I have started a team and we have only saved 200 sq feet at this time but we are going to make sure to put in every code we can, so we can help save the rainforest a little at a time.

I think that if people are exposed to the rainforest and what is happening to it, they will be more likely to help out. Like the Tropicana thing, it was very easy to set up an account on their website and save 100 sq feet of land. We were already buying the product anyway, so how hard can it be to put it into the internet.

We need more opportunity to help out like that. Another thing that I think is important is to teach our children the importance of helping the rainforest. They are the future and what happens to the rainforest will be in their hands.

The problem is that the kids today are not given values from their parents. They are able to make them on their own and then control the family. Parents and teachers need to step up and take control of their children and show them how to be good citizens and rainforest helpers!

Barry's Response - Good ideas, Mindy. Like they say, the youth are the future, and the future is theirs. So if we can help them take care of what is theirs by teaching our children what we know to help, we are doing them a service. Thank you for your words.

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by: Anonymous

this article is good. it gives me nice information on how teaching helps kids get into the environment more and try to help save the rain forests. keep up the good work!

by: Anonymous

this article is great! it gives me good information on what people are currently doing to save the rain forests. keep going, your writing is great!

by: antony john

What a beautiful picture this is. It was very interesting for me to see so I never forget this. Yes, absolutely, I would like to explore sites like this. I would like to search beautiful places like this. Thank you

by: Anonymous

interesting article. nice to read

by: Anonymous

The imagery is very nice. this article gives many usefull information. thank you.

by: veena sujith

its a short but nice article about rainforest saving and teaching the children about it. can be little more elaborate giving more inputs into the topic

Good, but Needs Work
by: Kattie

A very personal and informative read. You did a great job making the article a story of your own and showing us a simple way we can help preserve the environment.

That said I did notice quite a few spelling, formatting, and grammatical errors throughout the article. There were sentences that were strung together with commas where they should have ended and words put in the wrong order in the sentence. In the latter case it took a few reads to understand what was being said. This can all be fixed with relative ease. Just a small step to make the article look more professional.

by: smee

You mentioned a real thought.We have to preserve nature for our children.Not only that,we have to give awareness about nature and teach them to fight for future.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.