
by naval

WHALES IN PARIS coming soon........

WHALES IN PARIS coming soon........


Barry's Response - I've seen the future. And the future is Photoshop.

For those of you who would have to look it up, like I did, the Eiffel Tower is 90 miles from the nearest sea water, the English Channel.

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Very Big Problem

by winetou1984

The coming apocalypse

The coming apocalypse

i know the global warming it's a very big problem, but i can't stop looking at that bear drowning... its like the poster for the Ice age 4 movie :)

Barry's Response - There's an Ice Age 4 coming?

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global warming bad bad bad ... =]b

by grace stevenson

We like our world the way it is

We like our world the way it is

its all about global warming x
and how to keep it lookin like this xx

Barry's Response - Gee, thanks for the photo, Grace. I have been planning to buy beach-front property in northern Canada, bordering on the Arctic Ocean. You never know....

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artic magic

Got a bone to pick with you...

Got a bone to pick with you...

its about how precious polar bears are

Barry's Response - According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, this species of bear is quite vulnerable because of global warming. They can't find enough food when their icy habitat melts away. The US government has also listed them us a threatened species, that is they may become endangered in the future.

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warming chickens

Chicken soup for the soul

Chicken soup for the soul

global warming is a crock of bologna.

Barry's Response - Chicken bologna, no doubt. Thanks for the cute cartoon.

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by Mrs Pervin Kavarana

Melting Icebergs

Melting Icebergs

Small temperature increase over the last several years. But it seems we have seen more forest fires, storms and floods. What does it all mean? Well, it's getting hot here for one thing. And we can blame Global Warming.

Species going extinct? I think so. Animals and plants too. If they are flexible, they should survive. But up to 30% won't, says the United Nations.

Barry's Response - It's all possible, and some think we're going into a period of cooling soon.

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by satya




Barry's Response Cool artwork, Satya. I don't know if you did it yourself or not, but it loosely reminds me of a scene from The Day After Tomorrow.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.