Tornado in a bottle.

by annette

This was a project I did a while back its pretty easy. All's you need is two bottles and water and tape. This got me a second place ribbon so it not a bad project. It was also very easy to conduct.

All's you have to do it shake it and explain what's happening and put down your observation on what's happening in the bottle. To put it together just fill 1 bottle 3/4 full then put the other bottle upside down on the other one and tape it securely. So no matter what grade you are in this is an easy project to do and get an OK place (2).

Barry's Response - Right, especially if you make an honest-to-goodness attempt at explaining what is happening with the liquid. I'll bet it was fun. Thanks, Annette.

Vorticity - Is it our friend? It is if you're trying to do this experiment. This vector quantifies the spinning motion in a fluid. When vorticity is concentrated, you get a vortex, a funnel of fluid just like in our experiment. Just like in a real tornado.

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Children's Project
by: Darbie

This is perfect! Each year at our reunion we have a variety of children's activities. This is project is simple, inexpensive, helps with my recycling and fun!!!

by: ondrea

thank you for telling me what to do I am doing an science fair project with my friends chyna and chrisshae.

it's really easy
by: Anonymous

this project is very easy and fast to do................

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