tv news bc rain flooding salmon found wriggling as water recedes

by Mrs marg lafreniere
(victoria bc canada)

Meteorology of coastal rains

Meteorology of coastal rains

The other day my husband tells me that on the supper news would have to have been A channel 12 hudson mack or channel 6

There was a film of Duncan; water was going down and there was a salmon stuck in the receding water.

Now I think that is significant. I have never heard of so much flooding that the salmon swimming upstream to lay their eggs could end up on city streets flooded.

That is another example of our crazy weather and effect of global warming.

To retrieve that tape the fish was on tv wriggling and alive in the water in Duncan. True.

Barry's Response - British Columbia experienced a pineapple express that third week of November 2009. As the polar jet stream transports atmospheric moisture from the mid-pacific along a frontal boundary, it dumps an abnormal amount of rain or snow on the BC (Washington or Alaska) coastlines. This type of thing is sometimes called an atmospheric river.

The water is picked up in the middle of the Pacific, near the Hawaiian Islands (hence the name). Once the disturbance crosses the mountains and drops this precipitation (at several inches per day), it moves eastward and becomes a Chinook wind in the prairie part of the continent.

Thank you for pointing out what you saw, Mrs. Lafreniere.

more weather information now.

It would be beneficial to consider both the negative and positive impacts of sudden excessive coastal rainwater and flooding on coastal fish from a scientific perspective.

Might there be problems? Check these:

- Coastal Fish Habitat Disruption: Excessive rain and flooding can cause coastal water levels to rise quickly, disrupting coastal fish habitats. They'll have a hard time finding shelter and food if it floods their usual spawning grounds, feeding areas, and protective habitats.

- Runoff of nutrients and sediment can cause turbidity and reduced oxygen levels in coastal waters after heavy rain. Fish populations can be negatively affected by this.

- Water Quality: Pollutants wash into coastal waters during heavy rainfall, affecting fish health and reproduction.

- Changes in salinity: Flooding can alter salinity levels, which may adversely affect some fish species.

Is there an upside? Perhaps...

- Nutrient Enrichment: Runoff can carry nutrients into coastal waters, providing food for fish and other marine creatures.

- Spawning Triggers: Some fish species spawn in response to environmental cues, such as changes in water levels or temperature. Certain fish species' reproductive activities may be triggered by heavy rainfall and flooding.

- Biodiversity: Temporary wetlands formed during flooding events can be essential nursery habitats for fish, enhancing coastal biodiversity.

So that leaves us in a position wondering what to make of this:

A helpful response might be to advocate for comprehensive studies to understand how excessive rainwater and flooding affect coastal fish populations short- and long-term. Then we could talk about sustainable land management to minimize runoff and pollution, making coastal ecosystems and their inhabitants, like fish, healthier and more resilient. And then emphasize the importance of adaptive management strategies to deal with climate change impacts, which can exacerbate extreme weather events. We can better protect coastal fish and promote sustainable coastal resource use by adopting science-based approaches and policies.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

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