Weather math

by Josh
(Blacksburg, VA)

Log-Log example both axes with logarithmic scales

Log-Log example both axes with logarithmic scales

This description moves a little too quickly and might use too many English idioms ("eyeballing it") for younger readers to follow along.

I do data visualization for a living - I write code, graphics come out, and so on. This page doesn't seem unreasonable for any (sufficiently advanced) math student, with one exception - the associated graph has lines that make it look like a logarithmic scale (vertically), but I can't be sure by looking at it, and I'm not sure if this is right or not. Is it possible to explain the graph a little more?

Barry's Response - I'll review it thoroughly. The bulk of the article is for the advanced mathematical/physical sciences student or professional, while the simple conversion at the beginning is just for people looking for Fahrenheit to Celsius conversions.

Using the skew-T log-p diagram on the temperature conversions page, you can quickly and informally execute nonlinear thermodynamic calculations using graphical methods, as shown in the example.

It doesn't look like the pressures (vertical scale) are on a logarithmic scale, but I'm not sure. A standard height above sea level is inversely related to each of those standard pressure levels.

By this exponential (inverse log) relationship, pressure Po is a function of sea level pressure Po and height z:

P = Po e (-z/H)

H is the scale height for reference, and it ranges from 6000 to over 8000m, depending on the temperature and humidity. A good average value is around 7640 m.

I explain more about it with a slightly different example on my
introductory atmospheric physics page.

Search this site for more information now.

Why did the mathematician start reviewing temperature conversions?

Because he wanted to skew the conversation!

On that note...Why shouldn't mathematicians make jokes?

While mathematicians can and do make jokes, their humor is often based on complex mathematical concepts or wordplay where the general public might not understand. It might be because mathematicians' jokes can be quite niche or require a deep understanding of math to appreciate that they shouldn't make jokes. But mathematicians can certainly appreciate and create jokes that resonate with their audience, just like anyone else.

Watch the Big Bang Theory for some fine examples.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.