
by hannah chavez



why do we have globlewarming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barry's Response - Many reasons, Hannah. The primary one given by politicians and others is human carbon dioxide emissions. It and the other so-called greenhouse gases probably make SOME effect on overall atmospheric temperatures, but probably not as much as extremists have predicted.

Here's an awesome list of more info: Climate change, also known as global warming, is a complex phenomenon caused by natural and human factors.

The most well-known cause of global warming is greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), which trap heat. The greenhouse effect happens because greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. These gases are released into the atmosphere by both mankind and natural processes, like volcanic activity and decomposition of organic matter. It's hard to predict how the Earth's climate will change because of the complex interactions between these factors.

Increasing sea levels, more extreme weather, droughts, floods, heat waves, and altered habitats can result. Changes like these can have devastating effects on people, wildlife, and the environment. As temperatures rise, polar ice caps and glaciers melt, causing sea levels to rise and flooding in low-lying areas. Heatwaves, droughts, hurricanes, and changes in precipitation patterns can also be related to climate change. It can cause extinctions, damage to infrastructure, increased insurance costs, and widespread diseases. Too much heat can also cause more illnesses and deaths. The Earth's environment might be harmed by greenhouse gases, and we all need to work together to protect it. Climate change must be prevented and reduced by governments, businesses, and individuals if it can.

The burning of fossil fuels has been suspected of contributing to global warming and climate change. Also, they can release air pollutants that make it hard to breathe and cause health problems. Extraction of fossil fuels can also harm the environment if done carelessly. Spills and leaks can pollute water sources, killing plants and animals, destroying habitats and forcing animals to find new homes. Burning fossil fuels causes acid rain, hurting plants, animals, and buildings. We shall continue to switch to cleaner energy sources like wind, solar, and water power to reduce climate change.


removes trees. When trees are cut down, more carbon dioxide is left in the atmosphere. The cutting down of trees may cause climate change and biodiversity loss. The environment can thus be negatively affected by deforestation. As a result, it can leave soil vulnerable to erosion and disrupt the water cycle, which describes how water moves through the environment. It can lead to less fertile land and less water for people. Cutting down trees can have bad effects on the planet if not replaced. We also lose timber resources we could use for things like houses. In order to keep the Earth healthy and safe, we need to stop reckless deforestation.

Global warming is also attributed to agriculture. Using fertilizers and farming animals can make the air hotter. It affects uncultivated land and forests too. There are different ways farmers can help the environment. Gases come from things like fertilizer, animals, and machinery. As a result, the air gets polluted and the soil can't store carbon as well as it should. We need agriculture to grow food, but it can also damage the environment. Certain farming practices, like tilling, can release soil carbon. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers can pollute water, and a lot of food ends up in landfills, which can create more greenhouse gases. Food is important, and we want to care for environment while producing it. Through methods like conservation tillage, crop rotation, and organic farming, people are trying to produce more wisely. Nutrients can be retained in the soil and undesirable elements can be reduced. It's also important to make sure we don't waste as much food.

Changes in land use

can affect the
amount of sunlight absorbed or reflected by the Earth's surface (I.e., albedo) changing temperatures and precipitation patterns. Changes in land use can release more carbon into the air. Forests and soils, which normally absorb and store carbon, could also be lost, contributing to emissions. Different kinds of land cover, like snow and ice, reflect sunlight differently. Land cover modifications like turning a forest into a city, can affect the climate. Changes in the water cycle can change where rain or snow falls, and how much water is available. We need to protect natural areas like forests and wetlands and use land sustainably to help stop these changes.

A more likely cause is natural cycles. Systematic changes in the earth's rotation in the form of the mysterious Milankovitch Cycles, for instance. We have other cycles causing changes in our climates lasting months or years:
  • Mulidecadal cycles likely exist in all oceans, causing sea-surface and climate changes on long time scales.
  • A most famous one is the El Niño Southern Oscillation, which includes both El Niño and La Niña
  • Solar and Solar-magnetic cycles
  • Changes in thermohaline circulation, the ocean currents and their composition
  • Other cycles of astronomical origin, besides Milankovitch Cycles, include motions in the centre of mass of any multi-body system, changes in cosmic rays and other things affecting paleoclimatology as we know it.
There are more people on Earth than ever. This growth is changing the way the Earth looks and leading to more gases that trap heat. This growth is changing the way the Earth looks and making more gases that trap heat. With a growing population, more waste is created and more food is needed. We can take steps to reduce the impact of population growth on the environment. Renewable energy, recycling, and sustainable agriculture are all things we can do. Population growth is expected to slow down as people become more educated and family planning programs provided.

There's a lot of pollution and energy used in industrial processes. Pollution like this is bad for the environment and can hurt people's health. As a result of industrial processes, we release gases that trap heat, possibly leading to climate change. Manufacturing products and burning fossil fuels might contribute to climate change and global warming. These emissions come from burning coal, oil, and natural gas and making cement, steel, and chemicals. There's also a lot of waste they create, which usually ends up in landfills. Landfills can produce methane, another GHG. We can reduce the effects of industrial processes on our climate and environment by using renewable energy sources and reducing waste where practical by making industrial processes more efficient.

Vehicles also release pollution. Gasoline and diesel vehicles emit gases that are bad for the environment. Cutting down trees for roads and airports makes it harder for nature to sequester greenhouse gases. Fueling cars also uses a lot of energy. The environment is affected by the transportation sector. We can reduce its negative impact by using electric and hybrid cars, improving public transportation, and riding bikes or walking more. Besides, some of these alternatives are better choices for individual health.

Solar radiation and volcanic eruptions affect Earth's climate, but human activities have a significant impact. Temperatures, rain, and other weather patterns can change because of these natural factors. When volcanoes erupt, they can release gas and particles that can make the planet cooler, and the sun goes through natural cycles that can make it hotter or colder. Heat is moved from the equator to the poles by ocean currents and air currents. Forests and wetlands, for instance, can release gases into the air. People's actions, like burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees, affect the Earth's climate in different ways.

All of these things have warming and cooling phases. Thanks for the cute drawing.

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Good comment - dippy question
by: MR

I liked Barry's answer though I do wonder how much of a dent in the ozone layer this chick is causing with her hair spray.

More information please
by: Anonymous

I would like to see some more information on this. do you have plans to put more details

by: leah

Very true and straightfoward ;)
I like your answers, Barry.

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