A cartoon scientist at your service.

Cartoon Scientist

Some people might compare me to a cartoon scientist.  

Why read about a meteorologist's personality?  You might be interested in the personality profile of a meteorologist and physicist for several reasons:

- Building trust and credibility requires understanding a meteorologist's and physicist's personality.  By knowing the character traits, qualifications, and expertise of the individuals involved, readers are more likely to trust the information in the article.  The information presented can be more credible if you know their background and professional attributes.

- Expertise and specialization: Meteorology and physics encompass a lot of different sub-disciplines and specializations.  The personality profile of a meteorologist or physicist can reveal their specific areas of expertise, research interests, and professional experiences.  Information like this helps readers gauge how much knowledge and understanding the authors have about the topic.

- The personality profile of a meteorologist or physicist can tell you their communication style and how they present complex scientific concepts.  Readers who prefer a particular communication style or want clarity in understanding technical information might find this information useful.  This helps readers determine if the individual's communication aligns with their preferences and enhances their comprehension.

- The personality profiles add a human element to the article, making it more relatable.  Physicists and meteorologists may be curious about the personal motivations, passions, or experiences they have.  By understanding their personalities, you can create a sense of connection and empathy, which increases reader engagement.

- Those considering careers in meteorology and physics can find inspiration in the personality profiles of meteorologists and physicists.  Personal traits, challenges overcome, and accomplishments of professionals in the industry can motivate and inspire readers.

- It's crucial to collaborate between experts from different disciplines in many scientific fields.  Understanding the personality profiles of meteorologists and physicists can help highlight the benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration.  Diverse expertise and perspectives can help tackle complex problems and advance science.

My Myers Briggs personality type is ENTP, ensconced in thought, comedic, and unusually talented.  Maybe you'll find yourself here too if you're an ENTP.

You can also look at the letters individually below to see how they apply to me.

Unleashing the ENTP Mind

What's the deal?  Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs-Myers invented a series of inquiries into how people think and how they operate mentally.  This practical assessment was based on Carl Jung's pioneering research.

The survey results are expressed as four-letter binary codes, each representing a psychological dichotomy out of two options for each variable, resulting in 16 possible combinations.  It may seem a little coarse, but the implications are huge.  There are tons of examples of output profiles on the internet, plus libraries full of books.  

Anyway, what do my letters, ENTP, mean?

I'm an inventor who creates data systems like elaborate spreadsheets and mathematical methods to manage them.  As a result, I try to improve my systems.  Design may be your thing, but I see it as a tool.

It's my job to be an entrepreneur.  I care about success, too, like any cartoon scientist.  Whenever my interest is captured, I can solve or create anything, and I can give quick and diverse answers.  I could be a competent philosopher, computer whiz, rock star, diplomat, weather channel personality, stand-up comedian, detective, scientist or even a master criminal (with some study and practice.)

My special talent is seeing things beyond the obvious. Or hyper-perception of plain facts, explicit acumen, even wisdom not in the public eye. Cartoon scientist features.

Career in Meteorology - weather cartoon scientist

Cartoon MeteorologistMeteorologist cartoon drawing

It's like becoming the Punxsutawney Phil of the future for Meyers Briggs ENTP types.  I mostly predict air quality these days.  Sometimes chaos and destruction are necessary to build a new system from scratch.  All depends on where your passions are at the moment.

My intellect and savvy come in handy.  And I like scientific methods, especially in a context where such an approach might seem out of place.  These air web pages, for example, took a lot of statistical research and analysis.  They're successful.  Their content attracts readers who are most interested in what they have to offer.

My ability to solve logic puzzles and problems has amused others, and I can entertain two (or more) diabolically opposed ideas at once.  By doing this, I can display my other traits listed here and accomplish what I'm trying to do.

Cartoon Scientist Classic

In an argument, I'm balanced.  Although I may get frustrated with minor setbacks when on a task, I take pride in my ability to quickly get the train back on track.

There are tons of free personality tests online you can take.  Search for "myers" "briggs" and "free" in your search engine.  Maybe include "type indicator", "psychology" and "personality" too.  You can even take a career test.

My Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is ENTP.  They stand for Extrovert - iNtuitive - Thinking - and Perceptive.

Extrovert: other people and outer world.

I'd be a charismatic leader.  I'm looking for competence in others.  I'm enthusiastic, and I like interacting with people.  My job is to entertain.

I'm an enthusiastic piano player, and vocalist / drummer who also enjoys multimedia displays and workshops.  I'm just an ENTP with a musical personality.  Here's an example.

Like it? There are many more on the Youtube rock piano channel I created.

Having variety in what I do captivates me, as I'm not compelled to do things just because they've always been done that way.  I have a lot of interests or different jobs at once, a trait often attributed to people with Gemini constellation signs (which happens to be the case for me as well).

I'm gentle, accepting of other people's unique ways of doing things, somewhat gregarious, and not too demanding.  Pleasant and cooperative, but not overly empathic.

Gregarious means you love company, popularity, and interacting with a lot of people.  But I'm also quite self-contained and not overly intimate.

There's something novel about parties and unexpected changes.  It's easy for me to talk to lots of people in an open and lively atmosphere.  From comedians to serious meteorology scientists and researchers.

Intuition and leadership.

Creative thinking is my underlying modus operandi.  I like complex and unusual ideas so I'm okay in new and unusual situations.

I'm always on the lookout for new ideas, so the internet is my oyster.

Cartoon Computer Programmer

I offer original insights and brainstorm a lot.  And often come up with new ways to do things.  I think I'd make a great teacher, especially if unorthodox pedagogical methods are appreciated.  Ideas trigger more ideas.

It's much easier for me to deal with life's changes than most people.  This friendly cartoon scientist loves surprises.  Other people may consider me crazy for seeing connections between things and events, but I evaluate the need for the rules we observe on a case-by-case basis.  Optimism is needed here.  I've got plenty.

I'm not scared of risk.  Sometimes I get bored with stability.  Thus, I can take risks, and not just for fun.  It's also about developing skill, excellence, and power.  Also, I'm not scared of the future.

As the old Star Trek show says, I might go where no man has gone before.

Back to the Future, starring Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd, is one of my favorite movies.  Even though Peter Sellers played several cartoon scientist roles in Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.  I still enjoyed it.

Pure imagination, just like a cartoon scientist

I've been called inspirational, visionary, abstract...and even weird.  I don't have borderline personality disorder.  Thanks a lot.

I'm sometimes misunderstood because I make huge leaps in logic or intuition and leave others behind.  Because I tend to miss some key facts and gloss over the fine points, I may leave things unfinished, allowing more meticulous minds to finish them.  I'm resourceful and independent, but I can also seem superficial.

That's okay; my strong points outweigh these.  I'm good with maps, blueprints, and schematics, and I'm a music innovator.  Artists are essentially instruments.

Cartoon Astronomer

This trailblazer likes brainstorming, taking whatever options are available in study programs, and experimenting when learning is unstructured.

When it comes to my work, I like a variety of activities and don't like rote memorization.  Where accuracy, thoroughness, and adherence to rules and procedures are quashed, I stay away.

Sometimes I'm absent-minded, and I miss small details in routine assignments.  It's helpful to me that great discoveries are often made by accident.  Cartoon scientists aren't the only ones who can see the big picture and bring excitement to many situations.  But I can.

Thinking - my secret to logical reasoning

Logic, science, and clarity are things I believe in, and I'm naturally curious about why and how things work.  I'm naturally good at troubleshooting and Cartoon-Scientist style problem solving.  Like a lawyer, I understand situations quickly and act logically.  These qualities have helped me a lot in physics, math, and atmospheric science.

Cartoon Physics

I'm good at spotting flaws in others' arguments and logic, and then I funnily introduce criticism in the form of funny jokes, puns, and other little word games to amuse me and others.

In general, though, my cerebral qualities are applied internally, in a form called introverted thinking, and it takes a back seat to my extroverted intuitive traits.  

Sometimes I'm perceived as supercilious and laconic.  It could be worse.

Math is another thing people who readily use this thinking function like.  Like any other field of study, this one relies on impersonal, tough-minded application of objective principles.

There's no doubt some of you can relate.  Let me know:

We are NOT Geeks

At least that's what some people think. Do you think math helps us to understand our world? Succeed at work? Use a computer?

You bet. That reminds me, it can help make you a better gambler if you're so inclined.

What's the most important thing math helps you with?

[ ? ]

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What Other Great Mathemeticians Have Said...

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I'm like you, but I'm Introverted instead of extroverted. It's also hard to tell what your own type is from the article, since you never mention what the …

Math and Me from an ENFP 
The Myers Briggs Personality evaluation, for me, has been the best test of one's inate abilities that I have found. In my workplace, I administer the …

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Government Spin Not rated yet
Thanks for the site. I use math to uncover Government spin with statistics. After all, you can find angles in the figures that support whatever line you …

Going from A to C but skipping B Not rated yet
You mention Myers-Briggs personality types and how readers can "browse the letters individually below", yet you do not provide any explanation of the types …

a response Not rated yet
This snippet (I hesitate to call it an "article") does little to demonstrate the link between the MBTI type described and math. The sudden imposition of …

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Here's another illustration

How do you think critically?  The definition of critical thinking includes knowledge of historical background, thorough research, and solid judgment.

The NT combination is often called a rational temperament, common in scientists (originally by David Keirsey).  You can find cartoon drawings of NT characteristics at https://www.insightgame.org/nt.php.  Have fun.

Perceptions - what is the definition of open mind.

I like to keep my options open.  When a project is partly underway, I decide and communicate what to do next once things that were initially unclear become clearer to me.  I like evolutionary development, letting issues emerge and dealing with them then.

It gives me every chance to stay patient most of the time.  Because of that, people say I'm easygoing and pleasant.  This is because I don't rush them (or myself) to make decisions.  Most decisions are made through elimination, not pre-emptively.

Cartoon scientists also like mixing work and play, which allows for surprises and reduces stress.  It also gives me the ability to work as an individual within a team, and I can adapt to other people's needs.

I like to play by ear and think on my feet, but I also use other parts of my body.

Instead of drawing up a plan and sticking to it, I solve problems ingeniously.  I like it because it's spontaneous and undisciplined.  Understanding others is more important to me than judging them.

It's said I like getting into the swing of things, think outside the box, and have great potential to be a packrat.  You might not be able to get out if you go into my hard drive.

To make sure you don't think this cartoon scientist is a pushover, I improve or redesign things even if the status quo is fine.  It rocks the boat a little.  There are times when every cartoon scientist needs that.

Meteorology articles are typically about the science, but providing insight into the personalities of the people involved can enhance the reader's understanding, engagement, and connection.  It gives the article a human touch and establishes trust, credibility, and relatability, ultimately making it more enjoyable for the reader.

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Has this person the personality of a scientist like those depicted in cartoons?  These qualities might be compared.

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Perhaps modelling air pollution will provide the answers to your question.

That is what I do on a full-time basis.  Find out if it is necessary for your project.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.