Glacier shrinkage

by Arnie
(Arcadia, CA, USA)

All Gone

All Gone

Mountain glaciers are melting fast. This is not overblown political puffery; this is a measurable fact that can be backed up by observed, empirical, unemotional data and measurements. The melting of glaciers may not seem that distressing in and of itself; after all, what’s the big deal about melting snow? When you consider the ramifications, shrinking glaciers is nothing short of a disaster.

The Great Mountain

Take Africa for instance. The glaciers of Mt. Kilimanjaro are shrinking. The people and animals that live below the summit are dependent on the rivers to supply them water. During the rainy seasons, that is not a problem…it rains…a lot. On the mountain it is high enough to snow. In years past that snow has become part of the healthy glacier. In the dry summer months, the glacier slowly melts and thus supplies lower elevations with a constant supply of water. When the glaciers are gone, the only source of water for the lush valleys will be from rain. That means when it is not raining, it is dry. The rivers will dry up, the trees will die, people will starve, the mountain and lowland gorillas will disappear. No more gorillas in the mist.

Right now, there appears to be nothing that can be done to stop the melting of the glaciers. Serious enough for ya?

Barry's Response - This should be serious enough for anybody. Some global warming predictions have it completely gone in as early as 2022. Thanks for the update, Arnie.

Glaciers like those on Mount Kilimanjaro are melting fast. Besides human-induced climate change, natural factors and regional influences are important here.

Glacier dynamics

It's natural for glaciers to accumulate and ablate (melt and sublimate). If snow accumulation matches or exceeds melting, glaciers stay stable or even advance. When the rate of shrinkage exceeds accumulation, glaciers retreat.

The glaciers on Kilimanjaro are influenced by the world's temperatures' rising, accelerating ice melt. Near The Kilimanjaro mountain, deforestation around Kilimanjaro has altered local climate conditions, and has been associated with decreased precipitation and higher temperatures. Additionally, variations in solar radiation and volcanic activity have historically influenced climate patterns and glacier dynamics.

Implications of glacier retreat

There are a lot of consequences to glacier melting. Glaciers act as natural reservoirs during dry periods, holding water which is crucial to communities and ecosystems. Runoff from melting glaciers and ice sheets cause sea levels to rise.

It helps to engage in open dialogue. Look at climate change and glacier melt from both a human and natural perspective. Diverse viewpoints can lead to better solutions. Throw in a comment below if you have one.

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Thank you
by: Anonymous

Nice update. Also remember the polar bears!

From Barry - There's a reason why polar bears come up in these discussions. They're a symbol of climate change. Taking a step back and seeing the big picture is important.

In recent years, several polar bear populations have been stable or even growing. Conservatives often say ecosystems are complex, resilient, and influenced by more than just humans. Stewardship responsibilities shouldn't be ignored, but it's okay to question alarmist headlines. Worker-friendly conservation efforts, like responsible wildlife management and habitat preservation, often yield the best results.

by: Anonymous

I have know about Glacier shrinkage now for a while. I hope there can be something done about it. I thought that this was a really informative article.

From Barry - I agree - glacier shrinkage is concerning. It's easy to overlook natural climate cycles, solar activity, volcanic influences, and even regional deforestation. Before industrialization, glaciers advanced and retreated a lot. Instead of top-down global policies that punish everyday citizens, why not focus on adaptive, smart solutions? It's possible to reforest, invest in water infrastructure, and encourage technological innovation without stifling economic growth.

Ultimately, it's about balancing environmental care with practical, common-sense approaches that empower people and communities. Thanks for taking part in the conversation.

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