God in nature Nature is Forest.

by satheeshkumar
(Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu,India.)

Rainforest Picture

Rainforest Picture

Rainforests typically see up to a hundred inches of rain each year, in the order of 2000 or more millimetres. Because of the warm temperatures and abundant moisture, they are very rich in species variety, and we probably don't know much of what exists there.

Those who have studied ecology for sometime have probably heard of how important these biomes are for our planet, with phrases such as "world's largest pharmacy", relating the genesis of medicinal ingredients from these places. Similarly, the evolution of many of our foodstuffs took place in rainforests.

What's the difference between a rainforest and a jungle? The amount of sunlight that reaches ground level. With rainforests, the taller trees are so thick, it stays completely shaded on the forest floor, limiting the variety of plants down there. The ground-level vegetation and fauna is much more lush when walking through the jungle.

I guess that's why the lion isn't the king of the rainforest.

Barry's Response - Nice summary of well-known facts, Satheeshkamur. Thanks for you input.

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Comments for God in nature Nature is Forest.

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It is very interesting. I gain several information about rain forest from this page. thank you.The picture is also nice.

Great Web Page!
by: dazyrose

I truly enjoyed my visit. I loved the picture and I found the content of your page very informative. I will be bookmarking your site so I can drop by and read more.

by: Anonymous

Many foods originally came from tropical rainforests, and are still grown on farms in regions that were previously primary forest

by: Anonymous

this article narrates gives good description about the rain forests. interesting and knowledgable

Needs more Examples
by: Kattie

The article was solid and informative but I felt as though there was something missing while I read it. It would be nice to hear more examples of the types of animals that live only in the Rain Forests or even the medicine that can be found there. Something weird or intriguing may hold our interests more.

Keep trying.

Lovely Forest
by: Donna

This is a great example of the beauty of our old forests. I would love to spend time at the place in the photo. Someone needs to correct the grammar here.

by: smee

A Rainforest is a tall, dense jungle. The reason it is called a rain forest is because of the large amount of rainfall it gets every year. This site giving awareness for preserving nature.
Thank you....

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