by anynomous person
(Miami, Florida)

This is a pic of the sign you will see on the website

This is a pic of the sign you will see on the website

On NOAA.Gov you are able to find the everything on weather except for what kind of clouds to expect but they have mostly like everything you would need to know about weather.

Barry's Response - Yes, A, good site. Just type the city and state name in the correct box found when you search at to get your info, a little map and everything. Good Detail.

As the name National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration implies, the agency studies oceans, atmospheres, and their interactions. As well as providing regular forecasts, they advise industry and the public on environmental issues.

They call themselves "an informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the oceans, coasts, and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make the best social and economic decisions." They do it to help our nation USA thrive economically, socially, and environmentally.

They forecast weather, storms, floods, and droughts, and provide specialized transportation weather forecasts. They provide climate data and research climate change, both regionally and globally. Climate data and climate change research, both regional and global.

People check their forecasts every day. Thanks for pointing us there.

Search this site for more information now.

In addition to playing an important role in our weather, clouds can also provide valuable insight into atmospheric conditions.

We can interpret current and upcoming weather conditions by understanding these different cloud types. Even if doesn't explicitly mention cloud types, their comprehensive weather information can still help us make informed decisions. Here are a few types of clouds, how people feel about them, and what they mean:

- A cumulus cloud is a puffy, white cloud with a flat base and a rounded top. They look like cotton balls or popcorn and are associated with fair weather. People often find cumulus clouds uplifting and cheerful, as they often indicate nice weather.

- Low-lying stratus clouds look like a uniform gray layer covering the sky. Overcast or foggy conditions can accompany drizzle or light rain. Under a thick layer of stratus clouds, you may feel gloomy or melancholy.

- Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy, and feathery clouds at high altitudes. You can see them on clear, sunny days because they're made of ice crystals. The delicate and intricate formations of cirrus clouds are beautiful to many people.

- Cumulonimbus clouds are massive, towering clouds that can reach great heights. Cumulonimbus clouds cause thunderstorms, heavy rain, lightning, and sometimes hail. As they signal potentially severe weather, they can inspire a mix of awe and concern.

- Low-lying stratocumulus clouds look like rounded, lumpy masses. Often they cover a lot of sky and are associated with stable weather. Observing stratocumulus clouds can make people feel relaxed or tranquil.

- Clouds that form a gray or bluish layer in the sky are called altostratus clouds. A warm front or a storm can be indicated by them covering the whole sky. Altostratus clouds can make people feel ready or anticipatory.

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Lightning Strickes
by: Danny Cupples

How do I find out if there was lightning strickes in my area on 12/08/09, 38401 area code?thorax

From Barry - I would suggest you call the NOAA office servicing your area and see where they direct you. You can find lightning strike data on the National Weather Service website.

For more specific info, check your local weather station. Get up-to-date weather info by downloading an app.

by: Anonymous

That is very interesting. I did not know about NOAA.Gov. It seems like something I will got check out. I love looking up things that have to deal with the weather.

From Barry - If you're into weather, it's worth checking out There's a lot of information about different weather phenomena on there.

With forecasts, severe weather alerts, climate data, and historical records, has it all. There's a lot to learn about weather patterns on this website, whether you're interested in learning about the science or staying on top of the latest forecasts.

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