Credible solutions for global warming

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Enlightenment is the first of possible solutions for global warming confusion.

Concerned about climate change but don't know where to go? We need to educate people about climate change's causes and effects. We also need to invest in renewable energy and reduce emissions. Last but not least, we need to incentivize companies to reduce their carbon footprints.

A Confusing Situation - Education about global warming.  Bringing real science to people rather than making simple, vague "campaigns" like "stop global warming."

You could even film the Blue Man Group banging their heads against the cubicle walls. What does that mean? It's not much. People need to be informed if they're going to be empowered. Let's not get desperate

"End Of The World
Global warming is happening and it is getting worser each and everyday. This is something to be aware of. Please help stop global warming - Thanks. " ~Brittany, from Gaffney

Climate Change Education: Beyond Slogans

With An Inconvenient Truth, what was Al Gore's biggest accomplishment?  Raising awareness. Maybe he didn't get all the scientific data right.  He might have.

Maybe all the Chicken Little comparisons are justified.  Maybe his own energy use, which gets a lot of criticism, exemplifies a lifestyle we could change for ourselves.

It might be to stop global warming or something else.  Thanks to AIT, Americans are now facing issues Canadians and Europeans have been facing for decades.  That's great.  It's a good start.

What do we do now?  Even those who claim total consensus say there's plenty of disagreement and uncertainty.

A complete consensus doesn't exist, and even if it did, an agreement isn't equal to fact, people seem to forget.  There was a time when everyone believed the earth was flat.  So!

What's the latest in Global Warming?

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A few previous facts...

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B S created by Al Gore 
All that this is, is Al Gore claiming that a process that has happened over Billions of years is a global issue. The Earth always gets hotter and colder. …

I think that was a great article!!! Hi, I'm 13, by the way. I'm in the Energy and Environment Club in my school and they're teaching us that there's actually …

Looking Ahead 
Hello , I'm thirteen and I recognize that I am part of the future. Adults will most likely be gone before the major effects of global warming finally set …

Result of human deeds...."As u sow so shall u reap" 
Heyyyyyy frends! See global warming is a issue that everybody knows today. So instead of saying or blaming each other we should try to find the root …

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Reduce Global Warming by increasing Global Heart Warming 
I think we all know that Global Warming is real, even if we choose not to admit it. Mankind has gotten into a state of "What's in it for me". Many …

Global warming comment Not rated yet
Today, we are all facing a very big problem of global warming. We should all protect our world from the global warming. Every body should take care …

Science bits for your pleasure Not rated yet
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................................... DIS IS LAME!!! Barry's Response - Well, have I got a load of interesting things for you, since you're looking …

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There is no such thing as global warming, plain and simple. Al Gore just needed some scam to get rich from and boy did he pick a good one! Just because …

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It's getting hot in here Not rated yet
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An Inconvenient Truth Not rated yet
It was a good article. I am fully agree to this. But as said earlier everything is not included in it & even can't be. There are some more …

Global Warming, not just a story anymore Not rated yet
I do agree that global warming has become a big problem the past years, even decades. The US government still refuses to admit to any sort of problem. …

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The defining cause of our age is finding solutions for global warming. That's a lot. It's like we're compelled to think we can stop this.

In terms of the planet's history before we knew it, global warming doesn't seem so bad. The world's warmest periods were when species diversified the most.

Global warming still hasn't got any real solutions. Maybe it's ridiculous to think we can stop the earth's environment from changing.

Here are some practical solutions for global warming

As Gore, the Kyoto Protocol, and David Suzuki would have us do, the first step is to put a halt to rising temperatures and changes in weather patterns. We have to reduce carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases. We can do this by using renewable energy, planting trees, and conserving energy.

How? Reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases like methane and nitrous oxide.

According to classic climate change theory, this is the best course of action.  Don't leave lights on when you're not using them, drive less, fly less when you can.

That means we might get a little more exercise and maybe a few other benefits.  Get rid of stupid waste.

What happens when carbon-based fuels run out? Guess that's it for carbon emissions.  Using more solar and wind power reduces the possibility of air pollution.  It's not hydro.  We don't need any more wetlands or freshwater storage.

How about nuclear?  There's no one willing to touch that one, even if it's the best of solutions for global warming.

There's a chance Uranium City, Saskatchewan can save us. After Three Mile Island and Chernobyl convinced the public that nuclear energy had no practical potential, this once thriving community was decimated. Think we've learned anything from those experiences?

Maybe they'd like to see some action again. Anyone who enters the community will see the name.

Build the power plant there, far away from civilization, and distribute the energy around the world. What do you do with nuclear waste? Back in the mines where it came from.

Shield against radiation

Blocking incoming energy is another way to stop global warming.  IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) even suggested putting up a glorified beach umbrella to reduce incoming energy and temperature changes.

I hope not here. They even say adding sulphur to the atmosphere like a volcano could help abate the problem. Let's just wait for a real one. I'm sure it'll happen.

In many ways, the third major group of solutions makes the most sense.  We adapt.  It's worked before, in the face of war, disease, and famine, and it might work again.  With our technology, we can keep providing water and energy to the masses.

Because of the internet and teleconferencing, we don't have to travel as much.  We might even be able to use dry land that's too close to the poles right now.  If any properties are lost to flooding, the new ones will make up for it.

At the end of the day...

"Poverty is the environment's worst enemy," said one person interviewed on The Great Global Warming Swindle. Could THAT mean something?

It's consistent with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a list of Human needs: physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization, where basic needs must be met first. For example, physiological survival takes precedence over higher concerns like esteem and actualization.

30 years from now, who's going to care about glaciers?  We can have some hope that the world can pull together if everyone has a half-decent standard of living.

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Can you believe these solutions to global warming?

Global warming has been identified as a threat to our existence by many.  To find real solutions to global warming, we need to determine how extensive the problem is and whether it can be resolved

Do you have concerns about air pollution in your area??

Perhaps modelling air pollution will provide the answers to your question.

That is what I do on a full-time basis.  Find out if it is necessary for your project.

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